An hospitall for the diseased wherein are to bee founde moste excellent and approued medicines, as well emplasters of speciall vertue, as also notable potions or drinkes, and other comfortable receptes, bothe for the restitution and the preseruation of bodily healthe : very necessary for this tyme of common plague and immortalitie, and for other tymes when occasion shall require : with a newe addition
T. C., fl. 1579., Cartwright, T.

A playster to be laied to the side that the Melte is in.

TAke a good quantitie of new Wheate branne, as muche Anniseedes and beate them small in a morter, then in a panne mingle them with Vineger vppon the fire till it be like a plaister, then putte it in a linnen bagge of two handefulles long, and one handfull broade, and make it thinne, and warme laie it to the side where the Melte is, and role it fast, and in the morning take it awaie, and then wash the side with his owne water and drinke againe, vse this three or foure nightes.