The paterne of wholsome words. Or a collection of such truths as are of necessity to be belieued vnto saluation separated out of the body of all theologie made euident by infallible plaine proofes of Scripture. And withall, the seuerall vses such principles should be put to, are abundantly shevved. A proiect much desired, and of singular vse for all sorts of Christians. By N. Bifeild [sic], preacher of Gods word at Isleworth in Middlesex.
Byfield, Nicholas, 1579-1622.
Page  71

CHAP. VII. Of Mans first estate, viz. of Innocency.

Eccles. 7.31.

Onely loe, this haue I found, that God hath made man righteous: but they haue sought many inuentions.

THere are two princi∣ples concerning mans first estate.

God made man at [ 1] the first after his owne image: Gen. 1.26. Furthermore God said, Let vs make man in our owne image according to our likenesse, and let them rule ouer the fish of the sea, &c.

1. Cor. 11.7. For a man ought not to couer his head, for as much as he is the image of God, &c.

Page  72Colos. 3.10. And haue put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him.

[ 2] Secondly, this image of God chiefly consisted in knowledge, holinesse, and righteousnesse, Ec∣cles. 7.29; Onely loe, this haue I found, that God hath made man righteous: but they haue sought ma∣ny inuentions.

Ephes. 4.24. And put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousnesse, and true holinesse.

Note, that I say, chiefly (as that which is a principle): for else man was created after the image of God:

[ 1] First, in respect of his sub∣stance; and so man is the image,* either of the,

  • 1. Being of God: or
  • 2. Of the manner of his being.
    • 1. Of his being, as he hath Page  73 in him a spirit, a nature:
      • 1. Spirituall incorpo∣reall.
      • 2. Immortall.
      • 3. Inuisible.
      • 4. Intelligible.
    • 2. Of the manner of his being: for as in man is one soule, and yet diuers faculties, as cogitation, memory, will, &c. so is there in God one es∣sence, and three persons.

Secondly, in respect of his e∣minency, [ 2] excellency, and domi∣nion aboue, and ouer all other creatures, resembling thus the Lordship of God the Lord of all, Genes. 1.26. Furthermore God said, Let vs make mā in our Image, according to our likenesse, and let them rule ouer the fish of the sea, and ouer the foule of the heauen, and ouer the beasts, and ouer al the earth, and ouer euery thing that creepeth Page  74 and moueth on the earth.

Psal. Thou hast made him to haue dominion in the works of thine hands: thou hast put all things vnder his feete, &c. For if the man be Gods image for the Soueraigntie, he hath in the fa∣mily, as 1. Cor. 11.7. and the Ma∣iestrate for his superiority in the Common-wealth, Psal. 82. much more man in generall for domi∣nion ouer all.

[ 3] Thirdly, in respect of gifts, and so three waies:

  • 1. In respect of knowledge: for in the mind of man, there is hid, a-resemblance of Gods wis∣dome to know God, his will, and workes with the natures and properties of them.
  • 2. In respect of originall Iu∣stice, which stood in the recti∣tude of his nature, the spirit sub∣iect to God, the soule to the spi∣rit, Page  75 the body to the soule with∣out any sinne.
  • 3. In respect of freedome of will.

There are foure sorts of free-willes:

  • 1. Onely to good; so in good Angels, and the bles∣sed.
  • 2. Onely to euill; so in di∣uels and the wicked.
  • 3. Partly to euill, and part∣ly to good; so in the regene∣rate on earth.
  • 4. So to good, as it might be to euill; so in Adam, &c.

The power of his freedome was such, as he could doe all things conuenient to his estate; whether,

Workes of nature, as eate, [ 1] sleepe, walke, rise, &c.

Workes of policie; as go∣uerne [ 2] his family, obserue peace, &c.

Page  76Or, Workes religious:

  • 1. Internall; to loue, feare, and trust in God.
  • 2. Externall; to teach, pray, sacrifice, &c.

The vses follow.

*Wee should informe our [ 1] selues of Gods maruelous loue to man in his Creation, which appeares not onely in the time he made him last,* when hee had prouided all things made for him:

But in the place in Paradice,

And in the manner—

Both of making his body. He did not say, let it bee; but as it were, framed all with his owne hands; the man of the dust, the woman of the rib:

And of inspiring his soule, he breathed the breath of liues into him,

Genes. 2.7. The Lord God made Page  77 the mā also of the dust of the ground, and breathed in his face breath of life, and the man was a liuing soule.

He begat his soule as it were a diuine sparke or particle of God; therefore called the Fa∣ther of spirits, Heb. 12.9. Zach. 12 1. Acts 17.28.

And in both he saith, let vs make; calling all the Trinitie to the care and workmanship.

But especially that hee should as it were, be made like vnto God himselfe; and therefore let vs sing, as Psal. 8.3, What is man that thou thus mindest him, &c.

Of true blessednesse, wherein [ 2] it consists, viz. not in idlenes, ri∣ches, lust, pleasure, sports, &c. for none of all this was in paradice, yet Adam happy perfectly, &c.

The second vse is for instructi∣on, [ 2] and so it should teach vs di∣uers duties:

Page  78*1. Vnto God;1 and so first we should with all thankfulnesse af∣fectionately acknowledge his loue to man.

2. It should instruct man ear∣nestly to study and endeuour,

  • To know God,
  • To feare,
  • To resemble him.
  • To praise his workmanship.

For these were the ends of mans creation, no other crea∣tures could reach it; therefore God made man reasonable. We doe not answere the end of our creation, if we make not God in some sort visible by our holines, and praise his workes, &c.

[ 2] The second duty is to our selues,2 and so it should teach vs:

1. First, to care for the preci∣ous and immortall soule, yt God hath breathed into vs aboue all, as Matth. 16.26. For what shall it Page  79 profit a man, though he should win the whole world, if he lose his owne soule? or what shall a man giue for the recompence of his soule? What should wee dote on temporall things, when our soules are crea∣ted to the possession of eternall blessednesse?

2. To bee patient, and trust vpon God in distresse, Psal. 22.11. Be not farre from me, because trouble is neere; for there is none to helpe me, &c.

Psal. 139.14. I will praise thee, for I am fearefully and wondrously made: maruelous are thy workes, and my soule knoweth it well.

3. To lament our fall.

4. To study our recouery, and we see hence what to seeke, viz. knowledge and goodnesse.

5. To long for the time men∣tioned, Psal. 17.15. When we shall be satisfied with his Image.

Page  80 [ 3] The third duty is towards men:3

1. First, wrong not man: for he is Gods image, Genes. 9.6. Who so sheadeth mans blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God hath he made man.

2. Loue one another, especi∣ally where this Image is repai∣red: for we were created to this end, that we should delight one in another.

[ 3] The third vse is for reproofe, confutation, and humiliation.

1. For our insensiblenesse, for∣getfulnesse, and vncapablenesse of these considerations, especial∣ly for our want of lamentation for the ruines in our nature.

2. For our horrible neglect of knowledge and goodnesse, without which man is more like a beast; yea, in respect of sinne like a Diuell.

Page  813. Of the Papists about pi∣ctures [ 3] of God: most dishonou∣rably they would mend Gods draught by dumb pictures; yet God hath heere giuen vs a pi∣cture, his Image.