Q. What else doe wee gather from
this worde forgiue?
A. It dooth further teach vs, that there
is no satisfaction to Gods iustice for sinne,
by workes of our owne, no, not in tempo∣rall
punishments, but the dooing away of
four sinnes is of Gods mere fauour.
Q. How doe you gather that vpon
this worde forgiue?
A. It dooth necessarily followe, for if
God dooth freely forgiue vs our sinnes,
then we do not satisfie for them, for to for∣giue
and to satisfie be contraries.
Q. What is here ment by forgiuing
of sinnes?
A. To forgiue sinnes, is to couer them,
••or not to impute them vnto vs. See Psalm.
32. 1.
Q. But may not wee make satis∣faction
to GOD for our sinnes our
A. No, it is not possible.
Q. How may that appeare?
A. It shall easilie appeare, if wee consi∣der
against whome wee sinne, or whose
commandements we transgresse.
Q. We sinne against God, I knowe