A. We must not rest till our conscien∣ces
do beare vs witnes, through the pow∣er
of Gods spirite, that wee haue renoun∣ced it.
Q. This is hard, but yet I confesse
it ought to bee, but (for our encourage∣ment)
doe you reade of any that haue
béene thus affected as you speake?
A. Yea, Dauid sayd: The zeale of thy
house hath consumed me. Moses had that
affection to Gods glorie before his owne
saluation, when he said: If thou wilt par∣don their sinne, thy mercie shall appeare, if
not, I pray thee rase me out of thy booke, &c.
The like zeale and affection was in Paul,
When hee wished himselfe to bee separated
from Christ, so that God might bee glorified
in the saluation of his brethren the Iewes,
which were his kinsmen after the flesh.
Q. These examples bée good encou∣ragements, for by them I perceiue that
(as hard as it is) yet it hath béen found,
and therefore it may, and ought to bée
found in the children of God?
A. Yea, and shall bee graunted, if wee
pray hartely for it, for Christ hath promi∣sed, that if we aske, we shall obtaine.