Q. Our Sauiour Christ 〈◊〉〈◊〉 no
manner of trespasses, as little ones, or
great ones, old or new, &c. why is that?
A. To teach, that of what sort soeuer
the offences be, we must forgiue them all:
because the Lord doth forgiue all, both
small and great, &c.
Q. But the matter may bee so grie∣uous,
or preiudiciall to vs, that we may
take exceptions vnto it, and not forgiue
it, may it not?
A. No, for the Lord Iesus in this prayer
makes no exceptions, and therefore bid∣deth
vs to make none. Againe, there is no
offence cōmitted against vs by man, but
God forgiueth vs as great committed a∣gainst
him by vs, & why then should not
we forgiue, being so forgiuen?
Q. What if wee deserued better at
his han••s that hath done vs the in••∣rie?
A. So doth God of vs.
Q. We ment him no harme.
A. No more doth God vnto vs.
Q. What if we be his superiours?
A. So is God our superiour.
Q. What if we liue not of him?