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Title:  The sea-mans direction in time of storme Delivered in a sermon upon occasion of a strong stormie wind lately happening. / By Ier. Burroughs.
Author: Burroughs, Jeremiah, 1599-1646.
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so much above us in it, wee see how he can make a vapor terrible unto us, so that we cannot stand before it; we see at what advantage hee hath us by the Winds, to overturne our houses, to dash our shippes in pieces by it: Marke how Job was affected when God spake to him out of the Whirle-wind, c. 38. 1. compared with c. 40. 3, 4. Then Iob answered the Lord, that is, when the Lord had spoken to him out of the winds, Be∣hold I am vile, what shall I answer thee? I will lay mine hand upon my mouth: once have I spoken, but I will not answer, yea twice, but I will proceed no further: And againe, compare chap. 40. 6. with chap. 42. 5, 6. the Lord speakes to him a∣gaine out of the Whirle-wind: that God delights to make use of this crea∣ture to speake to men by, to humble them, you heard before; but here you see the effect of this, what power there is in it to doe that which God intends by it. I have heard of thee by the hea∣ring of the eare, (saith Job) but now mine eyes have seene thee, wherefore I abhorre my selfe in dust and ashes: 0