The disputation concerning the controuersit headdis of religion haldin in the realme of Scotland, the zeir of God ane thousand, fyue hundreth fourscoir zeiris. Betwuix. the prætendit ministeris of the deformed Kirk in Scotland. and, Nicol Burne professor of philosophie in S. Leonardis college, in the citie of Sanctandrois, brocht vp from his tender eage in the peruersit sect of the Caluinistis, and nou be ane special grace of God, ane membre of the halie and Catholik kirk. Dedicat to his souerane the kingis M. of Scotland, King Iames the Saxt.
Burne, Nicol.

THE DIFFERENCE, COM∣paresone, and change from the treu Ca∣tholique fayth, to the neu defor∣med religione.


1 ANe change is maid from ane religio∣ne quhilk ze had, Vnto monie diuerse and contrarius sectis, and formes of maist damnahil haeresie: from ancient: Vnto neu: from vniuersal, and commone, to priuat, and singular: from that quhilk had the vniuersal consent of zour sel∣fis at hame, togidder vith al Christian nation∣nis of Europe. Vnto that, or thame, in the quhilk nather zour selfis ar aggreit, nor onie monarchie Chri∣stian agreis vith zou.

2 Ane change from ane religione gouer••t be the iust monarchie of our saluiour Christ, his Apostlis and thair successoris, To ane mon∣struous Page  [unnumbered] policracie of sa monie headis as thair be vsur∣pit Ministeris, ze of vemen headis, Childrene head∣dis, and popular headdis, as thocht thair var als mo∣nie Goddis, as thair be absolute Princes, and as gif it var lauchful to haue als monie diuerse formes of go∣uernement in the kirk of God, quhilk can nocht be bot ane, as ve may haue seueral policies, in Ciuile kingdomes be thay neuer sua monie.

3 Ane change from that quhilk vas planted be godlie Apostlis, mentenit be the assistance the halie Ghaist, and men of gude consciencis, Vnto this quhilk is fosterit, be vsurparis of princes pouaris.

4 Ane change from that quhilk maid fischa∣ris Apostlis, vnto this that makis Bischopis, Ab∣botis, Prioris, Archidiaconis, monkis, preistis, perso∣nis, vicares, freris, and religious Nonis, to becum periu∣rit Apostatis, and foirsakaris of that Christiane and godlie fayth, quhairunto thay gaue thair ayth befoir God, and his halie kirk.

5 Ane change from praying for saulis accor∣ding to the vord of God, and custume of the halie kirk sen the dayes of our saluiour, To con∣demning the lyf and cōuersatione of our praedicessoris vnto hel, be the verie instinctione of Sathan: From geuing of almous, To dissoluing of hospitallis: Frō∣creiping in conuentis, To bragging in courtis: From vouing of Chastitie, To mareing of Mon∣kis: From consecrating virginis, To vedding of Nunnis, From promising pouartie, To professed vsurie: From volontar obedience, To obstinat arrogance: From fasting on fishe dayes, To gor∣manding Page  186 fleshe on frydayes, and the halie tyme of len∣tearne: From vatching and praying, To sleiping in the kirk: From kirk mēnis praying, To layict mēnis preaching: From sermonis by doctoris, To vemēnis lecturis: Frō ressoning, To railling: From reuerence speche, to fulishe lauching at al halie thingis: From remembring on Sanctis, To bur∣ning thair imagis: From going in Pilgramage, To hanting of harlattis: From penance of Pardo∣nis, To dissimulat fayth, and presumptione: Frō ve∣ping for vickitnes, To lauching at syne: From scrupil of euil doing in smal thingis, To gloir of mischeuous dealling in materis of gretast vecht and importance.

6 Ane change from that religione quhilk condemnit al erroris, Vnto this quhilk mentenis al hereseis, sua that na heresie is thair of auld condem∣nit, quhilk is nocht nou amang zou reneuit, and pro∣fessed maist impudentlie.

7 A change from that religione quhilk ac∣ceptit and imbraced Christ, his Apostlis, and thair ordinar successoris head of the general kirk, To this quhilk hes imbraced ane inuisibil kirk vithout knauledge of Christis authoritie in onie lauchful superior vpone the face of the earth: Albeit it tuik the fundamēt from the kirk of Ingland, qu∣hais first frute of religione vas to place, in the Chyre of Petir and feminine head, as gif onie vomā be peruer¦sion of the ordore and lau of nature, micht haue su∣premacie and iurisdistione ouer the kirk of our sal∣uiore, As head, paip, heich preist or Apostle, as Prophet, or Patriarche, as Archebischop, or Bischop, as Abbot, or Page  [unnumbered] prior, as person or Vicar, as preist, clerk, or spiritual magistrat and pastore quhatsumeuer.

8 Ane religione of negatiues, a religione of leis, a re∣ligione of periureis, a religione of fleshlie and licētious libertie, a religione that leidis to lousnes, and al disso∣lute lyf, a religione that of scripture, denyis sindrie hail volummes, that of text it self, corruptis places in∣finit, and vntreulie translaittis the rest, that sould decyd onie questione or controuersie.

9. Ane religione that leuis zou na scripture at al, quhen sa monie bukes ar denyit, sua monie places cor∣ruptit, and changit, sua monie textis falslie transla∣ted, and sua monie haeretical glossis, and expositionis put thair vpone.

10 Ane religione that Falsifeis the fatheris, sklan∣deris the doctoris, beleis the paipis, beleis the Empero∣ris, beleis the praecteis of the kirk, and al historeis, that testifeis the treuth of thingis past.

11 Ane religione that callis Christ in the sacrament ane idol, that callis the onlie sacrifice of the Christian kirk, idolatrie: that professis it to be sin to beleue that the Euangel is treu, saying. This is my bodie, my fleshe is verie meat, or that fasting, praying, almous, vouis, or vther gud vorkis dois pleise, or appese his vrayth, albeit thay proceid from special grace, throuche Christ Iesus our saluiour: That teachis Christiane fayth to be fals doctrine, and thair auin fals, arrogant, and ab∣hominabil haeresie to be the treu fayth of Christ, albeit it be repugnant thairto in al poyntis.

12 A religione that teachis the cheif outuard sa∣crifice, and honore to God, that euer vas vsit quhair Christis name vas {pro}fessed, to be idolatrie: that teachis Page  187 sacrilege, incest, and the vilful slauchter of sacred, and anoyntit personis, to be verteuous deiddis, acceptabil to God, and that teachis the auld, cōmone, and kna∣uin vay of saluatione, to be the hie vay to damnatione I cal it thairfoir be inuicibil consequentis a religione that turnis darknes into licht, that teachis hel to be heuin, and God him self to be the deuil of hel.

13 Ane change from ane religione, quhairin fayth, hoip, cheritie, fidelitie, abūdance of gude vorkis, gud discipline, ordour, famous, and vorthie renoune in al proceidingis did abūde, To this, quhairin exces of vengeāce, laik of fayth, ve∣hement mischeif, mistrust in nicbthourheid, infideli∣tie of kinred, and acquentance, insatiabil auarice in steid of prudent liberalitie dois regne.

14 Ane change from reuerence bering to the day of the birth of our saluiour Christ, his cruel Passione, michtie Resurrectione, and glo∣rious Ascensione, fasting, praying, abstening from mechanict labour, and doing al gud turnis quhilk may procure the mercie of God touart thame, To ane blind and misordorit forme of religione, that makis abhominatione thaîrof, and con∣foūdis thir feystis vith vther dayes apoyntit to mecha∣nict laboris: quhairbie it may be esilie collectit, that thay, and thair sect ar the maist affectionat disciplis of the Cheif Antichrist, becaus thay haue laborit be al meinis to put the blessed monumentis of Christis benefeittis out of the memorie of thair miserabil au∣ditoris.

15 Ane change from ane veil ordorit religio∣ne, quhairin euerie estait vas knauin seueralie Page  [unnumbered] be his Ecclesiastical apparel, To ane neu fund, headles, and cōfused rabil of vitles Bischopis inarmit vith tua handit suordis, in steid of blissingis, and feiding of thair flokis: quha ather compellis thame to pay doubil teindis, to garneis thair vnsauorie mules that beiris thair Croces, and bringis furth vther smal conspiratoris aganis the kirk of God, or ellis to delu∣ge, and leue the grounde voyd, and red to thame selfis: And breiflie sik confusione that na strāger, except he be of continual conuersatione vith thame, can discer∣ne betuix the popular, and vsurpit estait of the daft Abbotis, gukkit Prioris, guseheaddit Personis, asin vittit Vicares, and the pretland Prebendaris, for hou∣soeuer the headles Parochinaris be inclynit, sua is he also, that he may be estemit ane gude follou, and na thing different fra the commone sort.

Ane chāge from that, quhais peopil aluays paenitent, and reddie auaittand vpone the calling of God, had participatione of the sa∣crament of Christis bodie and blude befoir thair departure out of this lyf, at the hour of death: To this quhilk hes prescryuit, and limitat certane tymes to the mocking of Christ, and abusing his peopil, vndir the pretext of administratione of the said sacrament, falsifeing that scripture, as al vtheris, quhilk Christ our saluiour expreslie hes left vs, for ane sufficient and maist plaine testimonie of his lat∣ter vil.

17 Ane change from a religione, quhais Pa∣storis addicted thame selfis, and thair actionis onlie to the kirk, the veilbeloued spous of Christ, and for his saik bure al honore, and re∣uerence Page  188 thairunto, Vnto this quhais vnlauchful Ministeris neuer anoynted, nor ressauit in spiritual societie quhat sumeuer, castis auay the foirsaid spous, and vith palliardise and al kynd of harlatrie abusis the sacred and halie place.

18 Ane change from that quhais anoynted Bischopis, and Preistis in presence of God and halie kirk auoued chastitie, and leued conti∣nent lyuis, Vnto this quhais vsurpit Bischopis, apo∣stat Preistis, and palliard Ministeris, professis procrea∣tione of adulterous childrene, and monie of thame pluralitie of harlattis, falslie call it vyuis.

19 Ane change from that quhilk vas spred throuche the varld at first, and euer sence mē∣tenit by the vryttin gospellis, and epistles of treu Euangelistis, and vndoutet Apostlis, Vnto this quhilk by hargabusis, and pistolattis of armit suldartis of the Antichrist is intrudit, and mente∣nit eueriequhair.

20 Ane change from that quhilk vas serued be the ministrie of thame, quha had bene brochtup in learning, ordour, and obedience. Vnto this, quhais fals prophetes ar maid of Tinklaris, schocloutaris, soutaris, broustaris, skinnaris, tail zeou∣ris▪ glaisin vrichtis, and professorts of mechanict artis, of the baisaist qualitie, and maist mischeuous condi∣tione, that could be fund amang the vnreulie peopil, becaus the honestar sort vil nocht accept the voca∣tione.

21 Ane change from that, quhilk throu∣che cheritie contenit men vithin the boun∣dis of pietie, iustice, temperance, and verteous Page  [unnumbered] exerceisis, Vnto this quhilk by ane solifidiane pre∣sumptione, first induces in man lousnes of lyf, rudnes of maneris, vyldnes of lukis, pryd of speiche, hautenes of gesture, and ane ruffiane lyk rusching vnto al vy∣ce, nixt thaireftir vnto atheisme, barbarisme, or Ma∣hometis fayth at the leist.

22 Ane change from that, quhilk by na pe∣naltie constrainit onie man to leue the fayth, or religione, quhilk he imbraced, Vnto this qu∣hilk by feir of authoritie, priuat actis of parliament, maid in tyme of Ciuile dissensione, commandiment of commissionaris, banesing from the cūtrey, vith souer∣tie nocht to returne, by bandis, infinit vexationis, a∣merciamentis, baratrie, depriuatione from leuingis, and offices, inuy of the cūtrey, putting out of the court, displesour of the king, Tinsal of landis, confiscatione of guddi, personal impresonment, by sindrie deathis scort and violent, tormentes of hungar, compelling men 〈…〉 or deid, mair, or les to fal from the fayth, quhairin thay var baptized.

23 Ane change from that quhilk by ancient, general, and godlie lauis corrected onlie tha∣me that vald haue departed from it, quhen thay had first freylie professed the same, Vnto this, quhilk by neu, priuat, and vsurpit, vranguse lauis, contrare al ressone punises, impresonis, oppres∣sis, and makis pure thame quha neuer accepit, nor allouit the same.

24 Ane change from abounding in Riches spiritual, and temporal, To this quhilk aboundis in riches, and hes nather of thame bayth, from cre∣dite in vord, To discredite in seal, and obligatione.

Page  189 25 Ane change from voluntar repentance, To compelling, and prouoking a reddie vay to do the lyk or rather varse, quhen thay loue men for commit∣ting of al kynd of impietie, aganis God, his halie kirk and the lauchful authoritie of supreme magistratis.

26 Ane change from that, quhais first frutes var to rin in vildernes, to forsaik the varld, and al feliciteis of this miserabil fleshe, Vnto this quhais first fructis var to spulzie Christ our sal∣uiour of his spiritual kingdome, demolish kirkis, to mak Nonis, and freris spulzie thair closteris, the vo∣ued men to rin auay vith harlattis, the professed men to stei auay temporal mennis vyues, and dochteris, and to caus thame spulzie thair housbandis, and fa∣theris.

27 Ane change from that, quhilk keipit zour vomankynd in al vomanlie grauitie, To this that leidis the zelous imbracearis thairof vnto al glaikrie: From that quhilk teached thame ma∣dinlie schamefastnes, To this that teachis thame to be eschamit at na thing, And hes drauin thame, frō sobrietie, To vanitie, from cleynnes be veschīg, To vnsauorie painting: From being the exemplis of modestie to al nationis, To be patronis of al lichtnes and instabilitie of vit: From sobir lukis, To licht eyne: Frō sad, and ciuil speking, To bauld babling quhatsumeuer, lest thay sould seme ignorant: From vorking, To playing: From spairing, To spending: From bukis of prayer, To ballattis of luue: From occupeing beiddis, To brydling thair heiddis: From veiring of Christis Croce and image, To behalding of thair auin dissimulat Page  [unnumbered] visage: From threid, seyme, ād neidil, To danse at the feidil: From blushing to heir of mariage, To lauching to heir of loue: From the bondage of mariage vith ane, To the libertie of Mareing manie, From a decent feirfulnes conuenient to thair kynd, To ane vndercent hardines: From modest, and pudict behauiour cumlie for vemen, Vnto mair nor a manlie audacitie, in vord, deid, and al vther sort planlie repugnant to al halines of lyf, and the qualiteis of ane profitabil vyf.

28 Ane change from ane brydil aganis syn, To ane spur, and exempil of al iniquitie: From that quhilk feirit mē to do euil, To this quhilk stayis men to do veil, lest thairbie thay be thocht Papistis: From that quhilk by hoip of Goddis reuard, inuited men to do gud varkis, Vnto this quhilk be hoip of mannis auancemēt, alluris men to mischeif: From conscience in ceremoneis, To defy sacra∣mentis: From contritione of hart for syn, To in∣duratione of hart in al abhominabil vickitnes: From confession of syn be mouthe, To conceling of syn by aithis: From seiking to satisfie for syn, To the doubling of syn vpone syn.

29 Ane chāge from seyndil suering, To oppin, manifest, and vsual periurie, vith blaspheming of Goddis halie name: From vniuersal treuth, and fidelitie ane touardis another, To cōmone discre∣dite be febil fayth, vord, and vryt: From feiring to lie, To plane, and accustumit impudēcie: From buil∣ding of Chapellis, To doun pulling of kirkis: Frō erecting of altaris, To ouerthrauing of Abbayes: From honoring the sanctuarie, To Prophaning Page  190 the sam vith al kynd of licherie, filth, gun, and geng∣zie, smythis, maisonis, fals decreittis, murther, buche∣rie, stabling of horse, ky, scheip, and suyne, vith infinit pollutionis horribil to be rehersed, as manifest testi∣moneis of the kingdome of the Antichrist, and his abhominabil desolatione.

30 Ane religione that euerie quhair generalie is first apprehendit, maist zelouslie imbraced, and vehe∣mentlie mentenit be the leudast of conditione, the maist vitious of maneris, the maist contentious, vn∣quiettast, and varst of conuersatione, Inchantaris, Ne∣cromātiaris, mischāt mensleyaris, and manifest adul∣teraris, quhairof, lat euerie mannis priuat experience gif testimonie, that may remember the first precharis of this doctrine, the principal, and maist feruent disci∣pillis thairof in Scotland, or ellis quhair in euerie tou∣ne, citie, village, Parochin, and houshald.

31 Finalie, Ane change is maid from a reli∣gione quhais imbracearis Christ blessed vith al kynd of requesit benefeittis bayth spiritual, and temporal Vnto this quhais imbracearis, God hes plaged befoir the eyis of the varld vith schameful tor∣mentis, befoir thair suddane, and odious deathe: hes diminisit thair rentis, for tending to augment thair dominionis, vith spiritual benefices: And for testi∣monie that he vil haue his decreit performed vpone that generatione, he hes tane from diuerse, and the maist special of thame al hoip of birth, of neir, or lauchful airis, to succeid to the samyn: Or gif be his visdome he haue sufferit thame zit on lyf, ather thay ar retened vithout dignitie, out of memorie, and of na reputatione, or ellis extreme abiect, quhil God haue his Page  [unnumbered] iust iudgemēnt pourit on thame, for thair fatheris faltis, and thair auin perseuerance in the sam vickit∣nes. God of his infinit gudnes grant thame knauledge of thair impietie, and grace to re∣turne to the bosume of the Catholique kirk of Christ Iesus, the natural sone of the leuing and maist heich God, to quhome, vith the Fa∣ther, and halie Ghaist in vnitie of Godheid, be al honore, glorie, and praise, for nou and euer. Amen.

Becaus the sones of Israel hes foirsaikin thy couenant,* thair aduersaris hes brokin doun thy altaris, and persecute thy Prophetis.


In the dayis of tha kingdomes, the God of heain sal raise vp ane kingdome, quhilk sal n••er be ouerthrauin, and that his kingdome sal nocht be geuin to ane vther people,* bot it sal ouercum, and put at vndir al thir king∣domes, and it sal stand for euermair.

Exurgat Deus, & dissipentur inimici eius.
Deo gratias.