Search Results / Bulleins bulwarke of defence against all sicknesse, soarenesse, and vvoundes that doe dayly assaulte mankinde: which bulwarke is kept with Hilarius the gardener, [and] Health the phisicion, with the chirurgian, to helpe the wounded soldiours. Gathered and practised from the most worthy learned, both olde and new: to the great comfort of mankinde: by VVilliam Bullein, Doctor of Phisicke. 1562.


Bullein, William, d. 1576.
Imprinted at London :: By Thomas Marshe, dwellinge in Fleetestreate neare vnto Saincte Dunstanes Church,

9 matches in 1 item for "rayne" within full text

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... in greene, / The heauenly dewes, that nightly fall, is gathered vp of Beene. / Ioue doth rayne from virgiliae thys precious heauenly gyfte, / Whom Bees doe knowe, and beare to Hyue, wi / ...
... Nilus, whiche runneth ouer all Ethiopia and Egipte, in which Egipte there is no Rayne, but onely the swellinge and ouerflowinge of that fludde, which being falne down within his ba...
... wher was Sodome and Gomor, sometyme the dead Sea. And thus I make an end of water & the Earth. Rayne water is bynding and stopping of nature, water is a ve¦ry good seruaunt, but it is a cruell ma...
...cus in Greeke, by a contrary name, for it receiueth in the concauitie and holonesse, dewe and rayne, to releue the drynesse. It is also called virga pastoris, Sheper∣des rod and Fulle...
...s. OH how sweete and pleasaunt is Woodbinde, in Woodes or Arbours, after a tender soft rayne: and how frendly doth this herbe,[Woodbynde.] if I may so name / ...
  1. The Booke. of Compoundes.
.... TAke .x. heades of rype black Popye of a meane bygnes, cast vpon them, l of rayne Water, and if they bee more moyst than dry then let them lye in the Water a Day and a Nyght, b / ...
...killet, or such lyke vessel of stone, couered, or els with glasse: you must wash it oft, & with rayne water, then dry it, and cast vppon it. li. ii. of that which you did presse forth before, drye...
...[ A goodly re∣medy for the flixe.] the flowers of Pomgranets, ana. ℥.iiij. seeth all in rayne water. Uynegar, or Red wyne to the thyrd part, & apply it to the lower partes of the Belly. ...
  1. The Booke of the vse of sicke men, and medicines.
...romise of God, saying: if we dye with Christ, we shal liue with him. If we be pacient, we shal also rayne with him for euer. Now this we see to dy with Chryst, is not to dis∣payre, or to be more impac...
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