Christian praiers and holie medtations as wel for priuate as publique exercise: gathered out of the most godly learned in our time, by Henrie Bull. Wherevnto are added the praiers, commonly called Lidleys praiers.
Bull, Henry, d. 1575?, Ledley, John.
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Out of the same Psalme.

ALmighty God we are sufficient∣ly taught, that greeuous calami∣ties and miserable plagues doe therefore dayly vexe and trouble thy Church, because we haue not ceased to followe the counsel of the vngod∣ly: which being once knowne, we ought to haue eschewed. The way also of the wicked we haue not shunned: yea we haue not ceased to walke their race by continual trans∣gressing of thy commaundementes. we haue also of long time, contem∣ned all godly correction and disci∣pline, and whatsoeuer hath beene taught vs out of thy word, hath bin too little regarded▪ yea without all shame neglected and scorned.

Wherefore it is no maruell, if we in the steede of that happinesse and quiet peace, which we (alas) haue too long abused, be nowe compelled to Page  398 suffer all heauie, greeuous, and most bitter plagues. But now, O God, in humblenes of heart we flee vnto thee confessing our greeuous offences, and we most humblie and hartilie be∣seech thee, that those euils which we so foolishly and wretchedly haue com∣mitted, thou wilte mercifully for∣giue vs, and frame our minds wholy to the obedience of thy lawe, in such wise that our heartes may be occu∣pied both day and night in nothing else, but in the meditation of thy holy scriptures, for so shall we gi∣uing credite to thy wordes, bringe foorth seasonable and pleasant fruite, and shall not be spoyled of the graces of the Holy Ghost: yea our doinges shal neuer be without happy successe Nowe we are tossed hither & thither not vnlike to leaues and chaffe, with the wind of aduersitie and affliction: yet grant (O most mercifull father) Page  399 that our life perish not with the wic∣ked, but that the cause of the iust, may bee defended by thy singular prouidence and protection: so that in iudgement and in the companie of the iust we may be able to stand, and not to be confounded: through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.