Christian praiers and holie medtations as wel for priuate as publique exercise: gathered out of the most godly learned in our time, by Henrie Bull. Wherevnto are added the praiers, commonly called Lidleys praiers.
Bull, Henry, d. 1575?, Ledley, John.

A meditation of the proui∣dence of God.

*THis ought to be vnto vs most certaine, that nothing is done wtout thy prouidence, (O Lord) that is, that nothing is done, be it good or bad, sweete or sower, but by thy knowledge, that is, by thy will, wisedome, and ordinaunce, (for all these knowledge doth comprehend Page  241 in it) as by thy holy worde wee are taught in many places, that euen the life of a sparrowe is not without thy will,* nor any libertie or power vpō a porket haue all the diuells in Hell,* but by thy appoyntment and will: which will we alwaies must beleeue most assuredly to be all iust and good, how so euer otherwise it seeme vnto vs: for thou art maruellous and not comprehensible in thy wayes, and holy in all thy workes.

But herevnto it is necessarie also for vs to knowe no lesse certeinely,* that though all thinges be done by thy prouidence, yet the same proui∣dence hath many and diuerse meanes to worke by, which meanes beeing contemned, thy prouidence is con∣temned also. As for example. Meat is a meane to serue thy prouidence for the preseruation of health and life here, so that hee which contemneth Page  242 to eate because thy prouidence is cer∣teine and infallible, the same con∣temneth thy prouidence.

In deede, if it were so that meate could not be had, then should we not tie thy prouidence to this meane, but make it free as thou art free, that is. that without meate thou canst helpe and giue health and life, for it is not of any neede that thou vsest any instrument or meane to serue thy prouidence. Thy power & wisedome is infinite, and therefore should we hange on thy prouidence euen when all is cleane against vs. But for our erudition & infirmities sake, it hath pleased thee by meanes to worke and deale with vs here, to exercise vs in obedience, and because we cannot lse (so greate is our corruption) su∣steine thy naked and bare presence.

Graunt me therefore deare father, I humbly beseech thee for Christes Page  243 sake, ye as I something now knowe these things, so I may vse this know¦ledge to my comfort & commoditie in thee: that is, graunt that in what state soeuer I be, I may not doubt but the same doth come to mee by thy most iust ordinance, yea, by thy mercifull ordinance: for as thou art iust, so art thou merciful: yea, thy mercie is aboue all thy works.

And by this knowledge graunt mee that I may humble my selfe to obey thee, and looke for thy helpe in time conuenient, not onely whē I haue meanes by which thou maiest worke, and art so accustomed to do: but also when I haue no mea∣nes, but am destitute therof, yea, whē all meanes be directly and cleane a∣gainst mee: graunt I say that I may yet still hang vpon thee and thy pro∣uidence, not doubting of a fatherly end in thy good time.

Page  244Againe, least I should contemne thy prouidence, or presume vppon it by vncoupling those thinges which thou hast coupled together: preserue me from neglecting thy ordinarie & lawfull meanes in all my needes, if so be I may haue them, & with good conscience vse thē, although I know thy prouidence be not tied to them further then pleaseth thee: and grant that I may with diligence, reue∣rence and thankfulnes, vse them, and thereto my deligence, wisedeme and industrie in all thinges lawefull to serue thereby thy prouidence, if it so please thee: howbeit, so that I hang in no part on the meanes or on my diligence, wisedome, and industrie, but onely on thy prouidence: which more and more persuade me to be altogether fatherlie and good, howe far so euer otherwise it appeare and seeme, yea, or else is felt of me. By Page  245 this I being preserued from negli∣gence on my behalfe, and despaire or murmuring towards thee, shall be∣come diligent and patient through thy meere and alone grace: which giue and increase in me, to the praise of thy holy name for euer, through Iesus Christ our Lord and onely Sauiour. Amen.

I. B.