A defence of the booke entitled A co[n]cent of Scripture for amendment of former Atheian most grosse, and Iudaique errours, which our translations and notes had: against the libel, scoffing a Scottish mist: and slaundering that the Iewes epistle sent from Byzantian Rome, was a forged worke, and not in deed sent thence. By Hugh Broughton.
Broughton, Hugh, 1549-1612.

Article X.

I Sent to the learned & gratefull Doctor these three bookes bound togeather, Our Lordes Familie, honouring the K. Coheleth, and Lamentations, given to P. H. and I thought he had so much witt as to give sage thankes, as they that bee made Lordes without giving money to friends, to come by their title: but I was farre deceaved. He raved and saide, the Kings Knight was a lying flatterer. And that the K. gave no promesse, that he might give the lie to the K. too, and threat∣ned that he would stay the King.

But if I can prooue he chirpeth one syllable to hinder the opening of our glorious Gospell to the Iewes, and driving off all Christians to their desired consent of agreement for Page  [unnumbered] story: as Papistes, Lutherans, Genvaees sage Preachers, and our BB. all but twoo silver Speared, wishe: Franckfurt Mart shall beare me witnesse I will give in Ebrew and Greeke to D. Bancroft that knoweth neither, the good Doctor, the A∣nathema. Maran, Atha, that as wicked Ioakim was buried like an Asse for burning the infinite pleasant witty sixfold Alphabeted Lamentations of Ieremie, which matter I tou∣ched aboue. So that Richard Bancroft may be with all Chri∣stians wishe, an other Vladislaus for toying with the glo∣rious Gospell of our salvation. If Heathen could see Salmo∣neus tormented in tartarus of Haides, for counterfaiting Iu∣piters thunderboltes, and the flames of heauens: all Christi∣ans will hartily wishe that Wormes and Vermins badd doe die quickly as a Moth, that will be thundering and lightning against Christ, who by gentlenes allureth the vnrepenting heart vnto amendement. But I hope all will be well.