A defence of the booke entitled A co[n]cent of Scripture for amendment of former Atheian most grosse, and Iudaique errours, which our translations and notes had: against the libel, scoffing a Scottish mist: and slaundering that the Iewes epistle sent from Byzantian Rome, was a forged worke, and not in deed sent thence. By Hugh Broughton.
Broughton, Hugh, 1549-1612.
Page  [unnumbered]Page  [unnumbered]

A Defence of the Booke entitled A Cōcent of Scripture, for amendment of former Athe∣an most grosse, and Iudaique er∣rours, which our translations and notes had:

Against the libel, scoffing a Scottish mist: and slaundering that the Iewes Epistle sent from Byzantian Rome, was a forged worke, and not in deed sent thence.

