A floorish vpon fancie As gallant a glose vpon so triflinge a text, as euer was written. Compiled by N.B. Gent. To which are annexed, manie pretie pamphlets, for pleasant heads to passe away idle time withal. By the same authour.
Breton, Nicholas, 1545?-1626?
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¶ A Gentleman being on a Christmas Eue in a very sollitary place, among very solemn company: where was but small cheare, lesse myrth, and least musick: being very ear∣nestly entreated to sing a Christmas Caroll, with much adoe, sung as followeth.

NOw Christmas draweth neare,
And most men make good cheare,
With heigh, how, care away:
I lyke a selye mo••e,
In drowsy dumpes at home,
Will naught but fast and pray.
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Some syng and daunce for lyfe,
Some Carde and Dyce as ryfe,
Some vse olde Christmas Games:
But I oh wretched wight,
In dole both day and night
Must dwell, the world so frames.
In Court what prety toyes,
What fyne and pleasaunt ioyes,
To passe the tyme away?
In countrey naught but care,
Sower Cheese curdes, chiefest fare,
For Wyne, a Bole of Whay.
For euery daynty dishe
Of Flesh or else of Fishe
And for your Drincke in Courte:
A dish of yong fryed Frogges,
Sodde houghes of mezled Hogges,
A cuppe of small Tap worte.
And for ech courtly syght,
Ech shew that may delight
The eye, or else the minde:
In Countrey thornes and brakes,
And many miery lakes,
Is all the good you finde.
And for fyne Enteryes,
Halles, Chambers, Galleryes,
And Lodginges many me:
Here desert Wooddes or playne,
Where no delight remaynes,
To walke in too and fro.
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In Court for to be shorte,
For euery prety sporte,
That made the harte delight:
In countrey many a gréefe,
And small or no releefe,
To ayde the wounded wight.
And in this Deserte place,
I Wretch in wofull case,
This merry Christmas tyme:
Content my selfe perforce,
To rest my carefull corse:
And so I end my ryme▪
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