Auspicante Iehoua Maries exercise.
Breton, Nicholas, 1545?-1626?
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A prayer vpon Magnificate, not ap∣plying the history: The fruict ther∣of: The ioy of the soule that is raui∣shed with the loue of CHRIST.

ESscence of eternity, in ye holy Maiesty of the Tri∣nall vnity, in the heauen∣ly DEITY, light of the Heauens, day of the world, beaw∣ty of vertue, & Glory of wisdome, sweet IESV, the true and only bee∣gotten and beeloued sonne, of the true, and only incomprehensible, euerliuing, and euerlouing GOD: my Creator in thy power, my Re∣deemer in thy merite, my Sanctifi∣er in thy loue, and my Sauiour in thy mercy; how shall I, clodde of claye, slime of the earth, dust and Ashes, wretched worme, & wicked creature, presume to the happi∣nesse, to haue a thought of such Page  29 holinesse, as to aspire, so high a blessing, as to touch the smallest tittle, of the due title of thy glory: yet, sweet IESV, seeing that ye dead Earth in hir Fruictes dooth praise thee, shall my soule liue, and in no seruice honor thee? and since the liuing doe adore thee, shall I dye, and not praise thee? God forbid: but, alas, shall darcknesse speake of light, Error of truth, basenesse of Glory, or a sinner, of God? when the Earth quakes, the Sea Roares, the Heauens shake, and the Aun∣gells tremble at thy presence, and yet I see the Elements giue theyr natures: The Sunne his heate, the water hir coolenesse, the Aire hir moisture, and the Earth hir dri∣nesse; The trees theyr fruicts, the flowers their sweets, the Sea hir fishes, the Earth hir gemmes, the Ayre hir comfort, the Fyre hir light, & the world hir welth in the Page  [unnumbered] seruice of hir Creatures in obe∣dience to thy holy will, to Glorify thy holy name; and shall I of all the world most bound to thee in the whole world, that haue tasted so much of thy goodnesse, so much forget thy Greatnesse, as, in no work of thy Grace, to humble my soule to thy Glory? God forbid: no, my sweet God, I humbly bee∣seech thee giue mee the patience of thy saincts, the faith of thy Mar∣tiers, the ioy of thine Angells, and the wisedome of thy holy Spirit, that I may suffer all things for thy loue, I may die in thy seruice, and so sing of thy goodnesse, that in ringing out thy praises, the heuens may reioyce to heere thy glory in the world: oh my sweet CHRIST, help mee to honour thee: Inspire my heart with thy Loue, tell mee what to thincke of thee, teach mee what I shall say of thee, learne mee Page  30 how I shall praie vnto thee; that in my Soule, I may neuer cease to prayse thee: O glory in the high∣est heauens, highest glory of the heauens, onely glory beefore the heauens, bee thou glorified aboue the heuens: oh that my hrat could dissolue into teares, to wash the feete of thy fauour, or that my soule in sighes, could ascend a Sa∣crifice to thy mercy, that in Soule and body, I might shew some ser∣uice of my loue, which am worse then nothing, till I bee something in thee: but thou hast made mee, as it hath pleased thee, and canst make mee what it pleaseth thee, let it therefore please thee, I bee∣seech thee, to make mee onely to please thee: I am a creature of thy will, worke mee onely to thy will: draw mee to thee, by thy holy spi∣rit, hold mee to thee, by thy holy Loue, and inspire mee with thy Page  [unnumbered] holy wisedome, that loathing the worlde with the vanities thereof, in thy onely mercy, I may see the paradise of my soule: that hauing with patience passed my purgato∣ry in this life, & in the merit of thy mercy, receiuing the comfort of my Saluation, where the Angells of thy loue, doe sing in Glory of thy grace, my poore humble Soule may sing Amen to their Musique.

Gloria in excelcis Deo.