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Title:  Ar't asleepe husband? A boulster lecture; stored with all variety of witty jeasts, merry tales, and other pleasant passages; extracted, from the choicest flowers of philosophy, poesy, antient and moderne history. Illustrated with examples of incomparable constancy, in the excellent history of Philocles and Doriclea. By Philogenes Panedonius.
Author: Brathwaite, Richard, 1588?-1673.
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SECTION VIII. Their witty Aphorismes, Apothegms, and Answers. Under which Subject are these Stories contracted. 1 WOmen recorded for their wisdome in allaying their Husbands af∣fliction.2942 Others for their brave compo∣sed spirits, in scorning to stoupe though they were crushed with affliction.ib. &c.3 Others so farre from coynesse, as they run into all hazards, to seize themselves of the Object of their affection.ib.4 Others such loving kinde Turtles, as they could not endure the absence of their owne: nor conceive any defects or infirmities in their owne.2975 The loyall answer of a loving Bride to her Husband, occasioned upon our late di∣stractions in Scotland.ib.6 ☞ A discourse of Aphorismes, arising from Anacreontick Spirits; illustrated 0