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Title:  Ar't asleepe husband? A boulster lecture; stored with all variety of witty jeasts, merry tales, and other pleasant passages; extracted, from the choicest flowers of philosophy, poesy, antient and moderne history. Illustrated with examples of incomparable constancy, in the excellent history of Philocles and Doriclea. By Philogenes Panedonius.
Author: Brathwaite, Richard, 1588?-1673.
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her Corrivals approach. Which hapned all too soone. For comming to open the Door, this revengefull Lady having her backe towards her, pistolld her: using these words to aggravate the quality of her Crime:Dainty Madona, your Lover now at last ha's found you to be true Pi∣stoll proofe.But dye they must, who hands in blood doe dippe,Gods judgements well may sleepe but cannot slippe.And so it fell forth with this cruell Lady, who surprized by divine Justice, suffered a just legall censure for committing a fact of such horror.But of far larger extent was her revenge; who being satisfied of the disloyalty of her affectionate Servant: under a faire and friendly pretence, invited him and her Cor∣rivall to a banket: where in diverse sugar plates she had caused poyson to be inclosed: with which she not only dispatched those two, at which principally her revenge was intended: but her selfe too, to the end that Tragedy might be more completely closed.Other instances I might here produce from our owne Pale: but these may already seeme too many, being personated in na∣tures 0