A compendyous regyment or a dyetary of healthe made in Mountpyllyer, by Andrewe Boorde of physycke doctour, newly corrected and imprynted with dyuers addycyons dedycated to the armypotent Prynce and valyent Lorde Thomas Duke of Northfolke.
Boorde, Andrew, 1490?-1549.
Page  [unnumbered]

☞ Here foloweth the Table of the Chapiters.

  • THe fyrste Chapyter doth shewe where a man shuld cytuat or set his mansyon place or house, for ye belth of his body.
  • ¶ The seconde chapiter dothe shewe a man howe he shuld buylde his house, and that the {pro}spect be good for ye conseruacyon of health.
  • ☞ The thyrde chapyter dothe shewe a man to buylde his house i a pure and a fresshe ayre for to lengthen his lyfe.
  • ¶ The fourth Chapiter dothe shewe vnder what maner a man shulde buylde hys house or mansyon in eschewynge thynges yt shulde shorten his lyfe.
  • ¶ The. v. Chapiter doth shewe howe a man shuld order his house concernyng the imple∣mentes to comforte the spyrytes of man.
  • ❧ The. vi. Chapiter doth shewe a mā howe he shulde order his house and housholde, and to lyue in quyetnes.
  • ¶ The. vii. chapiter doth shewe howe y hed of a house, or a householde shulde excercyse hym selfe for the health of the soule & body.
  • ¶ The. viii. chapiter doth shewe howe a mā shulde order him selfe in slepynge, and wat∣chynge, and in his apparell wearynge.
  • ¶ The. ix. chapiter doth shew ye repleccion or surfetyng doth moch harme to nature, & that abstynēce is ye chiefest medison of al medyson
  • Page  [unnumbered] ¶ The. x. charpiter treateth of all maner of drynkes, as of water of wyne, of ale, of vere, of cyder, of meade, of metheglyn, & of whay.
  • ¶ The▪ xi. chapiter treateth of breade.
  • ¶ The▪ xii. Chapit treteth of potage, of sewe of stew pottes, of grewel, of fyrmente, of pese potage, of almon mylke, of ryse potage, of caudels, of culleses, of alebrues, of hony sop∣pes, and of all other maner of brothes.
  • ¶ The. xiii. Chapit treateth of whyte meate as of egges, butter, chese, mylke, crayme, po∣settes, of almon butter, and of beane butter.
  • ¶ The. xiiii. chapyter treateth of fysshe.
  • ¶ The. xv. chapiter treateth of wylde foule of tame foule, and of byrdes.
  • ¶ The. xvi. chapiter treateth of flesshe, wyl∣de and domestycall.
  • ¶ The. xvii. chapyter treateth of pertyculer thynges of fysshe and flesshe.
  • ¶ The. xviii. chapit treateth of roste meate of fryde meate, of soden or boyled meate, of bruled meate and of beaken meate.
  • ¶ The. xix. chapiter treateth of rotes.
  • ¶ The. xx. chapiter treateth of herbes.
  • ¶ The. xxi. chapyter treateth of fruytes.
  • ☞ The. xxii. chapiter treateth of spyces.
  • ¶ The. xxiii. chapyter sheweth a dyete for sanguyne men.
  • ¶ The. xxiiii. chapiter sheweth a dyete for flematyke men.
  • ¶ The. xxv. chapyter sheweth a dyete for co∣lorycke Page  [unnumbered] men.
  • ¶ The xxvi. Chapiter dothe shewe a dyete for melancoly men.
  • ¶ The. xxvii. chapiter treateth of a dyete & of an order to be vsed in the pestyferous ty∣me of the pestilence & the swetyng syckenes.
  • ¶ The. xxviii▪ Chapyter treateth of a dyete for them the whiche be in an ague or a feuer
  • ¶ The xxix. chapyter treateth of a dyete sor them the whiche haue the Ilyacke, or the co∣lycke and the stone.
  • ¶ The. xxx. Chapiter treateth of a dyete for them the whiche haue any of the kyndes of the gottes.
  • ¶ The. xxxi. chapyter treateth of a dyete for them the which haue any kyndes of lepored
  • ¶ The. xxxii. chapiter treateth of a dyete for them the which haue any of the kyndes of ye fallynge syckenes.
  • ¶ The. xxxiii. chapiter treateth of a dyete for them which haue any payne in theyr hed
  • ¶ The. xxxiiii. Chapiter treateth of a dyete for them the which be in a consumpeyon.
  • ¶ The. xxxv. chapiter treateth of a dyete for them the whiche be asmatycke men, beynge shorte wynded or lackynge breath.
  • ¶ The. xxxvi▪ Chapyter dothe shewe a dyete for them the whiche hath the palsy.
  • ¶ The xxxvii. Chapyter doth shew an order and a dyete for them that be mad and out of they wytte.
  • Page  [unnumbered] ¶ The. xxxviii. Chapiter treateth of a dytte for them the which haue any kynde of dropsy
  • ¶ The. xxxix. Chapyter treateth of a general dyete for all maner of men or women beinge sycke or whole.
  • ¶ The. xl. Chapiter dothe shewe an order or a fasshyon, howe a sycke man shall be ordered in his syckenes. And how a sycke man shulde be vsed that is lykely to dye.
☞ Here endeth the table. And here foloweth the Dye∣tary of health.