This present boke shewyth the manere of hawkynge [and] huntynge and also of diuysynge of cote armours. It shewyth also a good matere belongynge to horses: wyth other co[m]mendable treatyses. And ferdermore of the blasynge of armys: as here after it maye appere.
Berners, Juliana, b. 1388?

¶After tractys now it shall be spoken of fyssures or stauys

AFore thyse fyssures it is spoken of bendis and theyr dyf¦ference. Now it shall be spoken of fyssurys. the whyche certen fyssurys or stauys begyn in the lefte horne of the Page  [unnumbered] shelde: and are drawe to the ryght parte of the shelde beneth to the dyfference of bendes the whiche begyn in the ryght horn̄ of the shelde and are drawe to the lefte syde of the shelde beneth. And this waye must the fyssure be drawe. as he¦re apperith in this fygure.

[illustration] [blazon or coat of arms]
¶And ye shall vnder¦stonde that thyse fissures dyffere asmany wayes as the forsayd bendes dyffere / But it nedyth not to be rehercyd: for it is playne shewed afore. ¶There be fyssurys or stauys playne ingradid inueckyd & fusyllatyd: as I sayd afore in the pla¦ce of bendys / And thyse staues bastardes are wont to beere: or namely they sholde beere theym. And thenne this fyssure is cal¦lyd a staffe / and in frensshe it is callyd a baston / But comynly it is callyd a fyssure for asmoche as he cleuyth his fad{er}s armes in two partes / for that bastarde, is clouen & dyuyded from the patrimony of his fader. And suche a bastarde is forboden to be¦re the hole armis of his fader for the reuerence of his blode. but his faders armys he maye beere wyth suche a staffe as is sayd afore: in sygne & fynall declaracōn of his bastardy and to ye dyf¦ference of propre & naturall heyre of his fader. ¶And whan ye haue ony suche a playne fyssure or a staffe in armys or ingray¦lyd inueckyd or fusyllatyd: of that same staffe ye shall saye as a¦fore is rehercyd in the chapitre of bendys more playnly. And ye bastarde whyche beeryth thyse armys possessyth on this mane¦re as now here folowith: Latine: ¶Portat vnam fissuram siue baculum aureum in campo asoreo: Gallice sic: Il port dasur et vne fees dor: Anglice sic: ¶He beeryth asure and a fissure or a staffe of golde.