This present boke shewyth the manere of hawkynge [and] huntynge and also of diuysynge of cote armours. It shewyth also a good matere belongynge to horses: wyth other co[m]mendable treatyses. And ferdermore of the blasynge of armys: as here after it maye appere.
Berners, Juliana, b. 1388?

¶Now I entende to speke of bendys in armys: as here.

OTherwhyle there is born̄ in armys a bende as is founde n dyuers armes of certen noble gentylmen: as here now it shall be shewed.

[illustration] [blazon or coat of arms]
And ye must knowe that it is callyd a bende the whiche begynnyth at the ryght corner or the horne of the shelde: and de∣cendith to the lefte syde of the same shelde / to the dyfference of fyssures or of lytyll stauys / of the whyche it shall be spoken after. And of hym that beeryth thyse armys ye shall saye thus as folow¦yth: Latine sic: ¶Portat vnam bendam de rubio in campo au¦reo: Gallice sic: ¶Il porte dor vne bende de geulles: Anglice: ¶He beryth golde & a bende of gowles.