This present boke shewyth the manere of hawkynge [and] huntynge and also of diuysynge of cote armours. It shewyth also a good matere belongynge to horses: wyth other co[m]mendable treatyses. And ferdermore of the blasynge of armys: as here after it maye appere.
Berners, Juliana, b. 1388?

¶For syknesse of swellynge

¶Yf a wyckyd felon be swollen in suche a manere yt a man may heele it yt the hawke shall not deye: thus a man maye helpe her strongly & lengthe her life. But the hawke woll be very egre & greuous of the siknes. And therfore ye must take the rote of Cō¦fore & sugre ylyke moche: and sethe it in fresshe grece wyth the thyrde parte of hony: & thenne drawe it thrugh a fayr clothe. & ofte gyue it to the hawke: and she shall amende.