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Title:  Instructions for a right comforting afflicted consciences with speciall antidotes against some grievous temptations: delivered for the most part in the lecture at Kettering in North-hampton-shire: by Robert Bolton ...
Author: Bolton, Robert, 1572-1631.
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sensuall heart (even against the check and contradiction of His grumbling conscience). 3. Of the most blisse∣full presence, freedome, and communication of the Ho∣ly Ghost; and all those divine illuminations, spirituall feastings, sudden and secret glimpses and glances of heavenly light, sweeter then sweetnesse it selfe, where∣with that good Spirit is woont to visit and refresh the humbled hearts of holy men. 4. Of the fatherly pro∣vidence and protection of the blessed Trinity, the glo∣rious guard of Angels, the comfortable communion with the people of God, and all the happy consequents of safety, deliverance and delight that floweth thence. 5. Of the unknowne pleasures of an appeased consci∣ence, a Iewell of dearest price, to which all humane glo∣ry is but dust in the balance. Not the most exquisite extraction of all manner of Musicke, Sets, or Consorts, vocall or Instrumentall, can possibly conveigh so delici∣ous a touch, and taste to the outward eare of a Man; as the sound, and sense of a Certificate brought from the Throne of mercy by the blessed Spirit, seal'd with Christs blood, to the eare of the Soule, even amidst the most desperate confusions, in the evill Day; when Comfort will bee worth a World; and a good Consci∣ence, ten thousand earthly Crownes. 6. Of all true contentment in this life; of all Christian right, and reli∣gious interest to any of the Creatures. For never was any sound ioy, or sanctified enjoyment of any thing in the world, found in that Mans heart, which gives al∣lowance to any lust, or lyes delightfully in any sinne. 7. Of an immortall Crowne, the un-speakeable ioyes of Heaven; that immeasurable, and endlesse comfort, which there shall be fully and for ever enioyed, with all the children of God, Patriarkes, Prophets, Apostles, Martyrs, Christian friends; yea, with the Lord Him∣selfe, and all His Angels, with Christ our Saviour, that Lambe slaine for us, the Prince of glory, the glory of Heaven and Earth; the brightnesse of the everlasting 0