Nero Cæsar, or Monarchie depraued An historicall worke. Dedicated, with leaue, to the Duke of Buckingham, Lord Admirall. By the translator of Lucius Florus.
Bolton, Edmund, 1575?-1633?, Delaram, Francis, 1589 or 90-1627, engraver.

§. VI. Suetonius being absent vpon the conquest of Anglesey, what Roman forces, and friends resided behinde for a stay, and where.

BVt least the desire of renowne might appeare to bee blinde ambition rather then wise cou∣rage, hee left both the prouince, and borders full of legionarie soldiers, and of their aides. For he is no discreet commander, whose lookes are onelie forward, and not like a bi-fronts, both wayes. Three men are named to haue remained behinde with command. CATVS DECIANVS princi∣pal, as being the steward, attorney, or auditor ge∣neral of CAESARS profits in BRITAIN. The ROMANS call'd such a man Procuratour. NERO'S vast riots needed vnconscionable sup∣plies. And CATVS, to gratifie those ends at his proper enuie, instrumentallie conuerted the ICE∣NIAN kingdome to a prouincial demesn of the CAESARS. For to their imperiall part all the coun∣treyes where ROMAN armies were in warfare, did by a most politicke prouision of AVGVSTVS, ap∣pertain. CATVS therefore was among the ICE∣NI, and with a force. Hence it was, that the colo∣nie at CAMALODVNVM, vpon notice of their danger, sent to him for helpe: PETILIVS Page  105 CEREALIS commanded ouer the ninth legion, and quarterd neerest to the colonie; for hee was the first who made vp towards the rescue. And where else should wee think his abode was but in those very camps about BANNAVENNA, which CAMDEN poincts out vnto vs, at GILDS∣BROVGH, and DAINTRIE, in his ICENI? PAENIVS POSTHVMVS, campmaster of the second legion (surnamed AVGVSTA) lodged vp∣on the necke of the SILVRES. And these two seates of legions, OSTORIVS SCAPVLA ordai∣ned when hee was General vnder CLAVDIVS here. TACITVS signifies it where hee mentions the riuers SABRINA, and AVFONA. The twen∣tieth legion (in some opinions) was not transpor∣ted hither till after NERO'S dayes. But because I finde in TACITVS, that the vexillaries, or the old soldiers of that legion, or as some read the place, the vicesimarians themselues, that is to say, they of the twentieth legion it selfe, were with SVETO∣NIVS at the battle, it is plaine to mee, that the camp, or winter-seat of the twentith, was alreadie begun at DEVA, to bridle the ORDOVICES. As for the fourteenth legion (of all other in BRITAIN the most renowned) there is not the least word concer∣ning it till the battle with BOADICIA. No war∣rant for HOLINSHEAD to fain that it came o∣uer sea for the purpose of that fight. For, as touching the number, king AGRIPPA is my witnesse in IOSEPHVS, that fower legions were the propor∣tion allotted for the custody of this iland euen in VESPASIANS dayes; and the former argument satisfies, that the fourteenth had residence here before the battle. The countreyes themselues were very ful of ROMAN castles, holds, and forts, full of inhabi∣tants, Page  106 full of dwellings all ouer, and not at CA∣MALODVNVM, LONDON, and VERVLAM onelie, though onelie they are named for their sin∣gular misfortunes. Thus we see that the absence of SVETONIVS entrusted it selfe for safetie till his returne, to at least thirtie thousand foote of all sorts, besides horse, bestowed diuerslie: which in a land where all things seemed quiet, seemed more then needed. Other stayes, and affiances he also had, and those not founded in armed power, but in amitie. For the ROMANS were too wise to repose them∣selues where they came, vpon their owne strengths whollie; and for that cause made all the friends they could. Among vs therefore, the TRINOBANTS, and the rest of the nations within the TRINO∣BANTISH vnion (which was as antient as from IVLIVS CAESARS dayes) were louinglie theirs (till BOADICIA secretlie withdrew them) CO∣GIDVNVS speciallie, who could neuer be with∣drawne.