Nero Cæsar, or Monarchie depraued An historicall worke. Dedicated, with leaue, to the Duke of Buckingham, Lord Admirall. By the translator of Lucius Florus.
Bolton, Edmund, 1575?-1633?, Delaram, Francis, 1589 or 90-1627, engraver.

§. VII. Nero, after the newes of Aggippina's escape, giues present order for her death, in hope to make it seeme her proper act.

AFter this sort therefore she came safe to land, where shee prouides by surgery for the wound receiued on her shoulder, and be∣takes her selfe for ease, and refreshment to her chamber, from whence shee forthwith sends her trustie freed-seruant, LVCIVS AGERINVS, with a gratulatory message to her son at BAIAE, to signifie her happy escape. For she durst not seem to suspect any thing in it, saue meere mischance. But NERO CAESAR, whom expectation, and terror of conscience kept awake, was fully informed by ANICETVS, (long before AGERINVS could arriue) concerning the whole aduenture, and had already authorised him, as sherriffe, or superuisor of the execution. He tooke with him HERCV∣LEVS (the maister of the broken galley) and O∣LOARITVS Page  39 (a sea-captaine) as his slaughter∣men, or executioners, strengthned with troopes of mariners in armes, (for he durst not trust his soul∣diers) directly to accomplish by force what no finenesse could effect. That employment the ser∣uile ANICETVS, as in loyall zeale to his Lord, and patron, did not lesse feruently vndertake, then as if it had beene a thing most certaine, that either shee, or NERO must absolutely perish. And to this most sauage act SENECA, and BVRRHVS (I grieue to speake it) were not onely priuie, and con∣senting, but SENECA the authour also, vpon the same supposition of necessitie. Meanewhile, as if lucke did fauour the designe, AGERINVS en∣tring to deliuer his message, ANICETVS impu∣dently drops a naked sword betweene his legges, and presently apprehends him, as transmitted by her with that sword to murther CAESAR. So the poore fellow was immediatly created a property to countenance his ladies killing, and was execu∣ted ANICETVS, thus instructed, and fitted, sets for∣ward with al possible diligence, & where he found such people in the way as had flockt to the shore in great numbers frō the parts about, with lights, or torches, clambring the rocks, & cliffes, & peste∣ring the shores, to gaze at the wonder, hee driues them home, & left all places solitary, sauing where he went himself. And here it must not be forgottē that notwithstanding any power permitted by NERO to this instrument of ruine, and his brace of inhumane butchers, yet was it very farre from his intention to auow the fact, but to haue it bla∣zed, and beleeued among the vulgar, that his am∣bitious mother, conspiring to vsurp the empire, sent AGERINVS to murther him, & that vpon Page  40 his apprehension she finding her drifts discouered slue her selfe, to auoid the shame of a publicke conuiction for so capitall, and so vnnaturall a treason. Whatsoeuer therfore we reade afterwards touching ANICETVS, and his carriage, must all of it be interpreted by that chiefe intention. So there is no greatnesse of power, when it would ex∣tremely abuse it selfe, which is not glad to thinke of meanes how to auoid the note of wickednesse. An illustrious proofe of the hatefull deformities which are naturally seene in doing euill, and of the honourable beauties, and graces which do as na∣turally shine in the contrary.