The decameron containing an hundred pleasant nouels. Wittily discoursed, betweene seauen honourable ladies, and three noble gentlemen.
Boccaccio, Giovanni, 1313-1375., Florio, John, 1553?-1625, attributed name.
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Melchisedech a Iew, by recounting a Tale of three Rings, to the great Soldam, named Saladine, preuented a great danger which was prepared for him.

The third Nouell.

Whereby the Author, approuing the Christian Faith, sheweth, how beneficiall a sodaine and ingenious answer may fall out to bee, especially when a man finds himselfe in some euident danger.

MAdame Neiphila hauing ended her Discourse, which was well allow∣ed of by all the company; it pleased the Queene, that Madam Phi∣lomena should next succeede in order, who thus began.


The Tale deliuered by Neiphila, maketh mee remember a doubtfull case, which sometime hapned to another Iew. And because that God, and the truth of his holy Faith, hath bene already very wel discoursed on: it shall not seeme vnfitting (in my poore opinion) to descend now into the accidents of men. Wherefore, I will relate a matter vnto you, which being attentiuely heard and considered; may make you much more cir∣cumspect, in answering to diuers questions and demands, then (perhaps) otherwise you would be. Consider then (most woorthy assembly) that like as folly or dulnesse, many times hath ouerthrowne some men from place of eminencie, into most great and greeuous miseries: euen so, dis∣crect sense and good vnderstanding, hath deliuered many out of irksome perils, and seated them in safest security. And to proue it true, that fol∣ly hath made many fall from high authority, into poore and despised ca∣lamity; may be auouched by infinite examples, which now were neede∣lesse to remember: But, that good sense and able vnderstanding, may prooue to be the occasion of great desolation, without happy preuenti∣on, Page  16 I will declare vnto you in very few words, and make it good accor∣ding to my promise.

Saladine, was a man so powerfull and valiant, as not onely his very va∣lour made him Soldan of Babylon, but also gaue him many signall vi∣ctories, ouer Kings of the Sarrazens, and of Christians likewise. Hauing in diuers Warres, and other magnificent employments of his owne, wa∣sted all his treasure, and (by reason of some sodaine accident happening to him) standing in neede to vse some great summe of money, yet not readily knowing where, or how to procure it; he remembred a rich Iew named Melchisedech, that lent out money to vse or interest in the City of Alexandria. This man he imagined best able to furnish him, if he could be won to do it willingly: but he was knowne to be so gripple and mise∣rable, that hardly any meanes would drawe him to it. In the end, con∣strained by necessity, and labouring his wits for some apt deuice whereby he might haue it: he concluded, though hee might not compell him to do it, yet by a practise shadowed with good reason to ensnare him. And hauing sent for him, entertained him very familiarly in his Court, and sit∣ting downe by him, thus began.

Honest man, I haue often heard it reported by many, that thou art ve∣ry skilfull, and in cases concerning God, thou goest beyond all other of these times: wherefore, I would gladly be informed by thee, vvhich of those three Lawes or Religions, thou takest to be truest; that of the Iew, the other of the Sarazen, or that of the Christian? The Iew, being a ve∣ry wise man, plainly perceiued, that Saladine sought to entrap him in his answer, and so to raise some quarrell against him. For, if he commended any one of those Lawes aboue the other, he knew that Saladine had what he aymed at. Wherefore, bethinking himselfe to shape such an answer, as might no way trouble or entangle him: summoning all his sences to∣gether, and considering, that dallying with the Soldane might redound to his no meane danger, thus he replied.

My Lord, the question propounded by you, is faire and worthy, & to answer mine opinion truly threof, doth necessarily require some time of consideration, if it might stand with your liking to allow it: but if not, let me first make entrance to my reply, with a pretty tale, and well worth the hearing. I haue oftentimes heard it reported, that (long since) there was a very wealthy man, who (among other precious Iewels of his owne) had a goodly Ring of great valew; the beauty and estimation whereof, made him earnestly desirous to leaue it as a perpetuall memory and honour to his successors. Whereupon, he willed and ordained, that he among his male children, with whom this Ring (being left by the Father) should be found in custody after his death; hee and none other was to bee reputed his heire, and to be honoured and reuerenced by all the rest, as being the prime and worthiest person. That Sonne, to whom this Ring was left by him, kept the same course to his posterity, dealing (in all respects) as his predecessor had done; so that (in short time) the Ring (from hand to hand) had many owners by Legacie.

Page  [unnumbered] At length, it came to the hand of one, who had three sonnes, all of them goodly and vertuous persons, and verie obedient to their Father: in which regard, he affected them all equally, without any difference or partiall respect. The custome of this ring being knowne to them, each one of them (coueting to beare esteeme aboue the other) desired (as hee could best make his meanes) his father, that in regard he was now grown very old, he would leaue that Ring to him, whereby he should bee ac∣knowledged for his heire. The good man, who loued no one of them more then the other, knew not how to make his choise, nor to which of them he should leaue the Ring: yet hauing past his promise to them se∣uerally, he studied by what meanes to satisfie them all three. Wherfore, secretly hauing conferred with a curious and excellent Goldsmith, hee caused two other Rings to bee made, so really resembling the first made Ring, that himself (when he had them in his hand) could not distinguish which was the right one.

Lying vpon his death-bed, and his Sonnes then plying him by their best opportunities, he gaue to each of them a Ring And they (after his death) presuming seuerally vpon their right to the inheritance & honor, grew to great contradiction and square: each man producing then his Ring, which were so truly all alike in resemblance, as no one could know the right Ring from the other. And therefore, suite in Law, to distinguish the true heire to his Father; continued long time, and so it dooth yet to this very day. In like manner my good Lord, concerning those three Lawes giuen by God the Father, to three such people as you haue pro∣pounded: each of them do imagine that they haue the heritage of God, and his true Law, and also duely to performe his Commandements; but which of them do so indeede, the question (as of the three Ringes) is yet remaining.

Saladine well perceyuing, that the Iew was too cunning to be caught in his snare, and had answered so well, that to doe him further violence, would redound vnto his perpetuall dishonour; 〈◊〉 to reueale his neede and extremity, and try if he would therein friendly sted him. Ha∣uing disclosed the matter, and how he purposed to haue dealt with him, if he had not returned so wise an answer; the Iew lent him so great a sum of money as hee demanded, and Saladine repayed it againe to him iustly, giuing him other great gifts beside: respecting him as his especiall frend, and maintaining him in very honourable condition, neere vnto his owne per∣son.