The fower chiefyst offices belongyng to horsemanshippe that is to saye. The office of the breeder, of the rider, of the keper, and of the ferrer. In the firste parte wherof is declared the order of breding of horses. In the seconde howe to breake them, and to make theym horses of seruyce, conteyninge the whole art of ridynge lately set forth, and nowe newly corrected and amended of manye faultes escaped in the fyrste printynge, as well touchyng the bittes as other wyse. Thirdely howe to dyet them, aswell when they reste as when they trauell by the way. Fourthly to what diseases they be subiecte, together with the causes of such diseases, the sygnes howe to knowe them, and finally howe to cure the same. Whyche bookes are not onely paynfully collected out of a nomber of aucthours, but also orderly dysposed and applyed to the vse of thys oure cou[n]trey. By Tho. Blundeuill of Newton Flotman in Norff.
Blundeville, Thomas, fl. 1561., Grisone, Federico. Ordini di cavalcare.

A nother receyte for broken bones, The .Clxxvij. Chapter.

TAke of liquid Pitch one pound, of wax two ounces, of the purest and fi∣neh part of Frankencense one ounce, of Amoniacum foure ounces, of dry Rosen, & of Galuanum of eche one ounce, of Uine∣ger two pyntes. Boyle first the Uineger and pitch together, then put in the Amoniacum, dissolued first in vineger, & after yt al the reast of the foresayd drugs, and after they haue boyled all together, & be vnited in one, straine it, and make it playster wyse, & this is called Emplastrū slauū, that is to say, ye yealow plaister▪