THe kingdome of Polonia containeth Lituania, Podolia,
the lesser Russia, Volhinia, Massouia, Samogitia, Prus∣sia,
and in a manner all Liuonia, which two last Prouinces
did belong not long since to Almania. Polonia is boun∣ded
on the East with Muscouia and with the Tartaries, Pero∣copsiques,
and on the South with Moldania, and Hungaria and
towards the West with Almania, and towards the North with
the sea Baltique and Muscouia.
The chiefe merchandizes that go out of this realme into other
Prouinces are these, Wheate, Rie, and other graine, Spruse or
Danske Beare, yellow Amber, Waxe honie, a certaine drinke
made of Hony which we call Meade, hydes of Oxen dryed and
salted, Flaxe, Hempe, Pitch, and Tarre, Ashes, Clauellees, wood
Mazier, and of Cuvelier, and other such like merchandizes.
HVngarie is a verie fruitfull Realme, rich and mightie, and
it is bounded on the East with Moldauia, and Valachia,
and on the South with Bosnia and Croacia, & on the West
with Almania, and on the North with Polonia, it hath manie na∣uigable
riuers, wherein are great store of fish, that is to say, Da∣nubius,
Dravus, Savus, and Tibistus. The chiefe townes are
these, Buda, Gran, Weissenburgh, Rab, Prezburgh, Agria,
Colocza, and Belgrada. The inhabitants of this countrey are
warlike and hardie, and haue bene long time heretofore a most
faithfull Rampyre and Bulwarke to all Christendome, but in the
end by reason of their ciuill warres, the better part of them haue
bene subdued in our time, and are made most miserable slaues
to the Turke.
The Merchandizes which goe out of Hungarie into other
Prouinces are these, Golde, Siluer, Copper, and diuers sorts of
Collours, Salt, Wine, Wheat, Beefs, and fresh fish of the riuer
SClauonie is bounded on the East with Bulgaria, and
Greece, and on the South side with the Gulfe of Venice,
and on the West, with the North parte of Italie, and on
the North side with Almanie and Hungarie. This Region
containeth manie particular Prouinces as Liburnia, Croacia
Bosnia, and Balmatia, the chiefe townes whereof are these, Ra∣guza,