The secretes of the reuerende Maister Alexis of Piemount Containyng excellent remedies against diuers diseases, woundes, and other accidents, with the manner to make distillations, parfumes, confitures, diynges, colours, fusions and meltynges. ... Translated out of Frenche into Englishe, by Wyllyam Warde.
Ruscelli, Girolamo, d. ca. 1565., Ward, William, 1534-1609.

Oyle of Storax very excellent.

IN like maner is made oyle of Storax. Take Storax liquida, what quantitie you wyl, and put it in Rose water two or thre dayes, thē dystill it as the Bengewin was in the ma∣ner abouesayde. Fyrste there issueth oute water, and then a very excellent and precious oyle.