The canticles or balades of Salomon, phraselyke declared in Englysh metres, by William Baldwin
Baldwin, William, ca. 1518-1563?

¶The Argument.

WHan Christe hath tolde his Spouse howe he ascended for her sake, the apple tree of the crosse, makyng there∣on ful satisfaccion to his father for the sinnes of al mankind by the sheadyng of his most precious blood, wakyng her vp, from the deadly slepe, whiche she slept vnder the apple tree of originall sinne and condemnacion, vnder whiche her mother brought her furth: He wyllyng to haue her myndeful of hys benefites byddeth her set hym as a seale vpon her harte, that is to scale vp all her affeccions and thoughtes, with the re∣membraunce of his blessed passion, and by the same to seale out al other deuices to obtayn saluacion: & to set him as a si∣gnet vpon her arme, not to presume to doe ought by her owne wit, & strēgth, but to doe in al thinges as his wurd teacheth: Page  [unnumbered] All this he desyreth her to doe for the loue sake which he bea∣reth to her, whiche is strong as death or hel, yea and stronger: For the strength of his loue overcam the strength of bothe. Wherfore for this his great loue, he woulde haue his spouse thankfull, and shewe hym loue agayne: The properties wher∣of he declareth, syngyng.