A display of dutie dect vvith sage sayings, pythie sentences, and proper similies: pleasant to reade, delightfull to heare, and profitable to practise, By. L. Wright.
Wright, Leonard, b. 1555 or 6.

Of time and place.

I Finde written in an old booke, of what credite I knowe not: that as vpon the 25. day of the moneth of March: the sixt day of the wéeke, and sixt houre of the day, Adam was created: brake the commandement: the womans séed promised: and he for disobedience banished out of Para∣dice. So the same day of the moneth, and houre of the day: Caine slewe his brother Abell: the promise was re∣nued vnto Abraham: Isaac was offered vp in sacrifice: the massage by the Angell was shewed vnto the Uirgine Mary: our Sauiour Christ was conceaued, and suffered his passion in Galgatha, the same place where Adam was buryed: and that the crosse whereupon he dyed for our saluation, was a plant of the same tree, which bare the fruite of our condemnation. And if all this were true, it is worth the noting.