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Title:  Synopsis papismi, that is, A generall viewe of papistry wherein the whole mysterie of iniquitie, and summe of antichristian doctrine is set downe, which is maintained this day by the Synagogue of Rome, against the Church of Christ, together with an antithesis of the true Christian faith, and an antidotum or counterpoyson out of the Scriptures, against the whore of Babylons filthy cuppe of abominations: deuided into three bookes or centuries, that is, so many hundreds of popish heresies and errors. Collected by Andrew Willet Bachelor of Diuinity.
Author: Willet, Andrew, 1562-1621.
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3 The true notes (sayth hee) are inseparable from the Church: it is neuer without them. But many true Churches haue wanted these: The Church of the Corinthians was a true Church, and yet they beleeued not the resurrection. cap. 15. The Galathians were a true Church, and yet they held that Moses lawe was to bee obserued together with the Gospell. And, the Corinthians likewise did not sincerely obserue the Sacraments. 1. Corinth. 11. Ergo, they are no true signes.We answere. First, this argument may with better right bee returned vpon their owne head: for many true Churches haue wanted their markes: Christ and his Apostles had neither succession from Aaron, nor vniuersalitie, and yet they made the true Church. The Church of the Iewes after Malachies time had no Prophets, nor miracles, for the space of 400. yeares before Christ, & yet were they the true Church, and so of the rest of your notes, the Church of Christ hath many times wanted them. Secondly, It was not the whole Church of Co∣rinthus that doubted of the resurrection, but certaine false Apostles that labou∣red to seduce others. 1. Corinth. 15.34. Some of you (sayth the Apostle) haue not the knowledge of God: he saith, not all. So likewise amongst the Galathians, there were false teachers, that stood for the lawe of Moses: Galath. 5.9. a little leauen doth marre the whole lumpe. It was not therefore a publike doctrine in the Church, but secretly taught by false Apostles. Thirdly, there may be some error in the Church, but being not fundamental, such an one as destroyeth faith, it doth not dissolue the Church: as there was some abuse amongst the Corin∣thians in receiuing the Sacrament: but the forme and institution and substance of the Sacrament was kept. Nay, yet to graunt a little more: though the error bee daungerous and of great waight and moment, and such an one, as being stifely maintained would destroye the faith and Church too: yet if they haue fallen into it rather of ignorance, then any other cause, and doe not continue in it, but doe submit themselues to bee reformed by the word, it ceaseth not for all that to be a Church. So the Corinthians referred themselues wholly and their opinions to the iudgement and determination of the Apostle. Hetherto our aduersaries haue sayd nothing agaynst vs: now wee will say somewhat for our selues.The Protestants.1 FOr the sufficiencie of these Notes, we would desire no better arguments, then those which our aduersaries alleadged against vs: for first our notes are proper onely to the Church, and cannot bee found in any place, where the Church of God is not. Secondly, they are most notorious markes, and a man by the Scriptures may more easely knowe, what true doctrine is, and which are the right Sacraments, then which is the true Church. Thirdly, these markes can not be absent from the Church, but doe alwayes accompanie it, and it is no lon∣ger a true Church, then it hath those markes.0