Synopsis papismi, that is, A generall viewe of papistry wherein the whole mysterie of iniquitie, and summe of antichristian doctrine is set downe, which is maintained this day by the Synagogue of Rome, against the Church of Christ, together with an antithesis of the true Christian faith, and an antidotum or counterpoyson out of the Scriptures, against the whore of Babylons filthy cuppe of abominations: deuided into three bookes or centuries, that is, so many hundreds of popish heresies and errors. Collected by Andrew Willet Bachelor of Diuinity.
Willet, Andrew, 1562-1621.
The Papistes.

THey do teach that the catholike church can not possiblie erre, not onely in matters absolutely necessarie to saluation, but not in any thing, which [error 16] Page  50 it imposeth and commaundeth, whether it be conteined in the word of God or not: yea that it can not erre in these things, which beside the word of God are commaunded. And by the church here, they do meane not onely the Pa∣stors and Bishops, but the whole companie of the faithfull: so that neither that which all the pastors of the church do teach, can be erronious, nor what is receiued generally of the whole church. Bellarm. de Eccles. lib. 3. cap. 14. Rhe∣mist. annot an Iohan. 14. ver. 16.

1 The church (say they) is the pillar of truth▪ 1. Tim. 3. Ergo it can not erre. We answere. First, it is no otherwise the pillar of truth, then a virgin without spot and wrincle, Ephe. 5.27. As that place doth not priuiledge the church frō all sinne and imperfection of life, so neither doth this place exempt her from all error in doctrine. Secondly, she is called the pillar of truth in respect of vs, because the truth is preserued in the true church, and is not els where to be found: not because the truth dependeth vpon the church: for S. Paule sendeth not Timothie in this place to learne of the church, as though it could not possi∣blie be deceiued: but (saith he) these things haue I written, that thou mayst know how to behaue thy selfe in the house of God. ver. 14.15. Ergo the word of God is the rule of truth, and the church hath no warrant, to be kept from error, but as she is lead and gouerned by the word of God. Thirdly, the argu∣ment foloweth not, for Peter was a pillar and yet erred. Gallat. 2.9.11.

2 They heape many arguments together. The church hath the spirite of God, to lead it into all truth, the gates of hell shall not preuaile against it. Math. 16. God hath geuen it Apostles, teachers, Euangelistes to keepe it in the truth. Ephe. 4. Christ hath prayed for the church, that it may be sanctified in the veritie. Iohn. 17. Christ prayed that Peters faith should not faile, Ergo the church can not erre. Rhemens. annot. 1. Timoth. 3.15.

We answere: euery one of the elect hath the spirite of God, neither shall the gates of hell preuaile against the faith of any one of the elect to ouerthrow it: Christ prayeth for euery one of his Disciples that they may be sanctified in the truth. Iohn. 17.20. wherefore it foloweth as well by these arguments, that no one faithfull man can fall into error. The pastors and teachers, so long as they folow the Apostles doctrine, may keepe the church from error, but it is not gathered out of that place. Ephe. 4. that the pastors if they swarue from Gods word can not erre.

Concerning Peter, Christ prayed for him that his faith should not faile in that greeuous tentation, which he fell into. Secondly, he prayed not for him as gouernour of the church, but as he prayeth for euery faithfull man. Iohn. 17.23. Thirdly, for all this prayer Peter erred▪ Gallat. 2.

3 This argument was vsed in the Councell of Basill: the Church is with∣out spot, and wrincle. Ephe. 5.27. Ergo without error.

We aunswere. First, S. Paule speaketh there of a glorious church, such as it shalbe in the kingdome of heauen, not of the church as it is vpon earth: so Re∣uel. 7.14. The elders, which sat round about the throne, which are the Saintes Page  51 in heauen, were seene in long white robes, which they had washed white in the bloud of the Lambe.

2 It foloweth out of this place that the church is as well without sinne, as free from error: which the diuines in the Councell did also graunt. But see∣ing by their owne confession euery member of the church, being clothed in this mortall flesh sinneth, how can the church be without sinne? If the church consist of men, and all men are sinners, how is the church free? If all the partes and members be sinnefull, how is not the whole also polluted with sinne? If all the partes of the body be sicke and diseased, how can the whole be sound? The church also is not ashamed to confesse her selfe to be blacke. Cant. 1.5. she shal∣be made bewtifull and glorious without all spot & blemish in the kingdome of God: and euen now also is made righteous and iust before God through Christ: not because she hath no sinne, but because it is remitted: and although some errors and imperfections remaine, yet shall they be no hinderaunce to her saluation.