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Title:  Synopsis papismi, that is, A generall viewe of papistry wherein the whole mysterie of iniquitie, and summe of antichristian doctrine is set downe, which is maintained this day by the Synagogue of Rome, against the Church of Christ, together with an antithesis of the true Christian faith, and an antidotum or counterpoyson out of the Scriptures, against the whore of Babylons filthy cuppe of abominations: deuided into three bookes or centuries, that is, so many hundreds of popish heresies and errors. Collected by Andrew Willet Bachelor of Diuinity.
Author: Willet, Andrew, 1562-1621.
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THE FOVRTH GENERALL CONTROVERSIE CONCERNING THE BISHOP OF ROME, COMMON∣LIE CALLED THE POPE.THis great and waightie controuersie conteineth tenne seuerall questions.1 Whether the regiment of the Church be Monarchicall.2 Whether Peter were the Prince of the Apostles, and by our Sauiour Christ made head of the Church.3 Whether Peter were at Rome, and dyed Bishop there.4 Whether the Bishop of Rome be the true successor of Peter.5 Concerning the primacie of the Bishop of Rome: sixe partes of the que∣stion. First, whether hee haue authoritie ouer other Bishops. Secondly, whe∣ther appeales are to be made to Rome. Thirdly, whether the Pope be subiect to the iudgemēt of any. Fourthly, whether he may be deposed. Fiftly, what primacy he hath ouer other Churches. Sixtly, of his titles and names.6 Whether the Bishop of Rome may erre, and likewise whether the Church of Rome be subiect to error.7 Of the spiritual iurisdiction of the Bishop of Rome: two parts. First, whe∣ther he can make lawes to binde the conscience. Secondly, whether other Bi∣shops doe receiue their iurisdiction from him.8 Of the Popes temporall iurisdiction: two parts. First, whether hee haue authoritie aboue Kings and princes▪ Secondly, whether he be a temporal prince.9 Of the prerogatiues of the Pope.10 Concerning Antichrist: nine parts. First, whether Antichrist shall be some one singular man. Secondly, of the time of his comming. Thirdly, of his name. Fourthly, of his nation and kinred. Fiftly, where his place and seate shall be. Sixtly, of his doctrine and manners. Seuenthly, of his miracles. Eight∣ly, of his kingdome and warres. Ninthly, whether the Pope bee the very Anti∣christ: of these in their order.THE FIRST QVESTION, WHETHER THE Regiment of the Church be Monarchicall. WE are not ignorant that the Philosophers made three formes and states of gouernement in the commonwealth: the Monarchical, when as the prin∣cipall and soueraigne power rested in one, as in the King, Queene or Emperor: as Rome sometime was ruled by Kings, and many yeares after by Emperors. Secondly, the Aristocratical, when the commonwealth was gouerned by an as∣sembly and Senate of nobles, as the Romanes had a long time, their Consuls and Senators. Thirdly, the Democratical, which is the popular state, when the people and multitude bare the greatest sway: as sometime in Rome also, tribuni 0