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Title:  Hexapla in Danielem: that is, A six-fold commentarie vpon the most diuine prophesie of Daniel wherein according to the method propounded in Hexapla vpon Genesis and Exodus, sixe things are obserued in euery chapter. 1. The argument and method. 2. The diuers readings. 3. The questions discussed. 4. Doctrines noted. 5. Controversies handled. 6. Morall observations applyed. Wherein many obscure visions, and diuine prophesies are opened, and difficult questions handled with great breuitie, perspicuitie, and varietie ... and the best interpreters both old and new are therein abridged. Diuided into two bookes ... By Andrevv Willet Professour of Diuinitie. The first booke.
Author: Willet, Andrew, 1562-1621.
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foretold before, c. 11. 34. Many shall cleaue vnto them fainedly. And as it was in those daies of persecution, so should it be afterward: as S. Paul saith, 2. Tim. 3. 12. All that will liue godly in Christ Iesus, shall suffer persecution: but the euill men and deceiuers shall waxe worse, decei∣uing, and beeing deceiued: of such also speaketh S. Iohn, Apoc. 22. 11. He that is vniust, let him be vniust still, he that is filthie, let him be filthie still, &c.24. Quest. What the abomination of desolation is, mentioned v. 11.1. Hierome and Theodoret vnderstand hereby the discontinuing of the true seruice of God by Antichrist at his comming: he shall bring in an horrible desolation, and abolish the true seruice of God: he shall Dei cultum interdicere, forbid the seruice and worship of God: But neither doth this prophecie concerne the ende of the world: nor yet shall there be any such singular Antichrist.2. Pererius and Pintus, with other Romanists, vnderstand this of the abrogating of the sacrifice of the Masse, and in stead thereof Antichrist shall command himselfe to be wor∣shipped: so also Hug. Card. Antichristus se exhibebit ad adorandum, Antichrist shall cause himselfe to be worshipped. But 1. that idolatrous sacrifice of the Masse, is rather the abo∣mination of desolation it selfe, whereby the true seruice of Christ, and the right vse of the Eucharist according to Christs institution, is abolished: 2. neither shall this abomination be Antichrist himselfe, but he shall set vp this abomination: as it is saide before, c. 11. 31. They shall set vp the abomination, &c. that is, wicked Antiochus with his captaines: he that setteth vp, and that which is set vp, is not the same.3. Bullinger thinketh it is, abominanda gentis & vrbis vastatio, the abominable laying wast of the nation and citie of the Iewes at the destruction of Ierusalem by the Romans: but this prophesie was rather fulfilled in Antiochus time, as afterward shall be shewed.4. M. Calvin vnderstandeth the sacrifices of the Iewes, which were abominable, after the sacrifice of Christs death performed vpon the crosse: so also Pëllic. but the daily sacrifice of the Temple was not taken away presently after Christs death.5. Osiander thinketh this abominable desolation to be the idolatrous seruice brought into the Church by the Romane Antichrist: but then can not the time here described by daies agree: for more then so many daies or moneths, hath the true seruice of God beene corrupted by them: and so many yeares, as here are named daies, God forbid that Antichrists corrupt religion should continue.6. Wherefore, this abomination which shall be set vp, was no other but the profanation of the Temple by Antiochus, when he caused that abominable idol of Iuppiter Olympius to be brought into the Temple, and the daily sacrifice to cease, 1. Macchab. 1. 57. 2. Macchab. 6. 2. And hereof mention is made before, c. 8. 13. and 11. 31. likewise c. 9. 27. but there the a∣bomination of desolation is spoken of, which should be set vp in the finall destruction of the citie and Temple by the Romanes, as is shewed, c. 9. quest. 88.Quest. 25. The 1290. dayes mentioned v. 11. how to be taken.1. Lyranus taketh this to be the tearme of Antichrists tyrannicall raigne in the ende of the world, euen 3. yeares, 6. moneths, and 12. dayes: so also Pererius: but he counteth one∣ly 10. odde dayes: so also Pintus with other Romanists thinke that Antichrist shall raigne 3. yeares, and an halfe: but as Bullinger saith, it is not like that Antichrists kingdome should continue ad tempus vsque adeo breue, for so verie a short time.2. Bullinger sheweth how the Iewes warre before the finall destruction of the citie, be∣gunne by Vespasian in the 14. yeare of Nero his raigne, and ending the second yeare of Ve∣spasian, continued about a 1290. dayes, that is 3. yeare and an halfe: but the text is, that these dayes must beginne from the time of that abhominable desolation, and continue onely du∣ring that time: but after these warres which held 3. yeares and an halfe, that desolation of the citie and Temple beganne, which then ended not, but continueth vnto this day.3. Some by so many dayes vnderstand so many yeares, a 1290. yeares, so long Osiander thinketh, that the profanation of religion should continue vnder the Romane Antichrist, from the first beginning thereof, vnto the vtter ruine of Antichrist: But we trust that God will not suffer that man of sinne so long to afflict his Church.4. Some vnderstand here no certaine but an indefinite and vnlimited time: as Oecolamp. multiplicatione dierum longum tempus Antichristianae impietatis agnoscas, by the mul∣tiplying 0