Hexapla in Danielem: that is, A six-fold commentarie vpon the most diuine prophesie of Daniel wherein according to the method propounded in Hexapla vpon Genesis and Exodus, sixe things are obserued in euery chapter. 1. The argument and method. 2. The diuers readings. 3. The questions discussed. 4. Doctrines noted. 5. Controversies handled. 6. Morall observations applyed. Wherein many obscure visions, and diuine prophesies are opened, and difficult questions handled with great breuitie, perspicuitie, and varietie ... and the best interpreters both old and new are therein abridged. Diuided into two bookes ... By Andrevv Willet Professour of Diuinitie. The first booke.
Willet, Andrew, 1562-1621.

Quest. 6. Of the acts and exploits of Ne∣buchadnezzar.

1. Iosephus out of Berosus who wrote of the Chalde affaires, reporteth of Nebuchad∣nezzar the second, that beeing sent by his father the Elder Nebuchadnezzar against the king of Egypt, who reuolted from him, and in the meane time hearing of his fathers death, returned to Babylon, and tooke the gouernement vpon him: where he did many princely and sumptuous workes: he beautified the temple of Belus, repaired the edifices of the city, enlarged the riuer, compassed the citie with a treble wall: built a goodly palace, in the space of 25. dayes (which seemeth incredible,) and built high rocks and mountaines vpon vaults of stone, and vpon them planted orchards as hanging aloft, because his wife being brought vp in Medea, desired to see some resemblance of her countrie: for the like acts he referreth vs to the histories of Megasthenes the Indian historiographer, and Diocles who wrote of the Persian histories, and Philostratus of the Pheniceans, who witnesseth that Nebuchad∣nezzar besieged Tyrus 13. yeares, which beganne in the 7. yeare of his raigne: as Pererius noteth.

2. His acts set downe in the Scriptures were these: in the third yeare of Iehoiakim he besiedged Ierusalem, and carried the spoyle of the citie into Babylon: in the 11. yeare he came againe, and tooke the citie and carried many into captiuitie, and slue Iehoiakim, who wanted the honour of buriall: then he set in his place his sonne Iehoaichin, whom after 3. moneths he remooued, and appointed Zedekiah in his place, in whose 11. yeare, which was the 18. of Nebuchadnezzar, he tooke Zedekiah and put out his eies: and the 19. yeare he burnt the citie and Temple, and carried away the people captiue: these things are thus testi∣fied. Page  17 2. King. 24. 25. Ierem. 52. And of Nebuchadnezzars expedition against Cyrus, E∣zekiel maketh mention, c. 26. to c. 30. In the 25. yeare of Nebuchadnezzars raigne he subdued Egypt, and remooued all the Iewes that were thither fledde, to Babylon: Pererius addeth further that in the 25. yeare of his raigne he had that vision of the image, c. 2. but that was rather in the 5. yeare of his raigne, as is before shewed, quest. 6. generall. After this he set vp the great golden image, c. 3. and was translated from the companie of men, and liued among bruite beasts for the space of seuen yeares, cap. 4. then he was restored to his kingdome, which he enioyed peaceably to the ende of his dayes. Pere.