Hexapla in Danielem: that is, A six-fold commentarie vpon the most diuine prophesie of Daniel wherein according to the method propounded in Hexapla vpon Genesis and Exodus, sixe things are obserued in euery chapter. 1. The argument and method. 2. The diuers readings. 3. The questions discussed. 4. Doctrines noted. 5. Controversies handled. 6. Morall observations applyed. Wherein many obscure visions, and diuine prophesies are opened, and difficult questions handled with great breuitie, perspicuitie, and varietie ... and the best interpreters both old and new are therein abridged. Diuided into two bookes ... By Andrevv Willet Professour of Diuinitie. The first booke.
Willet, Andrew, 1562-1621.

1. The Argument and Method.

THis Chapter, which conteineth the comforts and consolations ministred vnto Da∣niel is deuided into three parts. 1. the conference of the Angel with Daniel, to v. 5. 2. of one of the Angels with Christ, v. 5. to v. 8. 3. of Christ himselfe with Da∣niel, thence to the ende of the chapter.

1. In the first part there are 4. comforts giuen vnto Daniel. 1. one is taken from the effi∣cient cause and author of their deliuerance, Michael shall stand vp for his people, v. 1. 2. in the second place of comfort, first the time of trouble is set forth by way of comparison, then the comfort is taken from the issue of their trouble: they which are found written in the booke of life, shall be deliuered, v. 1. 3. the third comfort is from the hope of the resur∣rection: they which are not temporally deliuered, shall rise vp in the ende vnto life euerla∣sting. Here the resurrection is set forth. 1. in generall, many, that is all shall awake out of the dust. 2. in particular: there shall be two sorts, some shall rise to life, some to shame, v. 2. 3. of those which rise to life, some shall shine among the rest, as the brightnesse of the fir∣mament, and as the starres, v. 3.

4. The fourth comfort is, that notwithstanding those troublesome times, yet the Church of God shall continue, and many shall seeke for the vnderstanding of this booke, which to that ende Daniel is bid to seale vp, v. 4.

2. In the second part is described. 1. the vision, that Daniel sawe, both the number, he sawe two, and the site or place of them, v. 5. 2. their speach. 1. the question mooued, vn∣to whom, namely, to Christ, and what, concerning the ende. 2. the answer. 1. by whom, by him that stood vpon the waters. 2. in what manner, by an oath with the lifting vp of both his hands. 3. what he answereth, both for the cōtinuance of the time, & for the end, v. 7.

3. In the third part, there is 1. Daniels question, with the occasion thereof, his not vn∣derstanding, v. 8. 2. the answer of Christ, partly denying Daniels request, the things were secret, and sealed vp, v. 9. partly giuing him satisfaction: 1. concerning the Church, wherein is shewed the ende and fruit of their afflictions, set forth by the contrarie, the frowardnes of the wicked, v. 10. and the tearme, first 1290. daies, then a 1335. v. 11. 12. 2. concerning Daniel himselfe, that he should be content: with a double promise made vnto him, that he should presently after his death, rest from all his labours: and afterward stand vp in his lot in the resurrection.