Hexapla in Danielem: that is, A six-fold commentarie vpon the most diuine prophesie of Daniel wherein according to the method propounded in Hexapla vpon Genesis and Exodus, sixe things are obserued in euery chapter. 1. The argument and method. 2. The diuers readings. 3. The questions discussed. 4. Doctrines noted. 5. Controversies handled. 6. Morall observations applyed. Wherein many obscure visions, and diuine prophesies are opened, and difficult questions handled with great breuitie, perspicuitie, and varietie ... and the best interpreters both old and new are therein abridged. Diuided into two bookes ... By Andrevv Willet Professour of Diuinitie. The first booke.
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Hexapla in Danielem: that is, A six-fold commentarie vpon the most diuine prophesie of Daniel wherein according to the method propounded in Hexapla vpon Genesis and Exodus, sixe things are obserued in euery chapter. 1. The argument and method. 2. The diuers readings. 3. The questions discussed. 4. Doctrines noted. 5. Controversies handled. 6. Morall observations applyed. Wherein many obscure visions, and diuine prophesies are opened, and difficult questions handled with great breuitie, perspicuitie, and varietie ... and the best interpreters both old and new are therein abridged. Diuided into two bookes ... By Andrevv Willet Professour of Diuinitie. The first booke.
Willet, Andrew, 1562-1621.
[Cambridge] :: Printed by Cantrell Legge, printer to the Vniuersitie of Cambridge,
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Bible. -- O.T. -- Daniel -- Commentaries -- Early works to 1800.
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"Hexapla in Danielem: that is, A six-fold commentarie vpon the most diuine prophesie of Daniel wherein according to the method propounded in Hexapla vpon Genesis and Exodus, sixe things are obserued in euery chapter. 1. The argument and method. 2. The diuers readings. 3. The questions discussed. 4. Doctrines noted. 5. Controversies handled. 6. Morall observations applyed. Wherein many obscure visions, and diuine prophesies are opened, and difficult questions handled with great breuitie, perspicuitie, and varietie ... and the best interpreters both old and new are therein abridged. Diuided into two bookes ... By Andrevv Willet Professour of Diuinitie. The first booke." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A15415.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed November 10, 2024.
Quest. 5. Of the citie Shushan, by whom it was builded,
and whence so named.
1. Strabo writeth that the citie Susa, as he calleth it, was first builded by Tithonus the
father of Memnon: Diodorus lib. 3. c. 6. maketh Memnon the first builder of it, whereupon
the citie was called a long time Memnonia. Plinie lib. 6. c. 27. saith it was built by Darius
Hystaspis: But it is euident out of the text here, that Darius, which followed after these times
could not be the builder of it. It may therefore thus be, that the citie was first founded by
Memnon, and then afterward enlarged by Darius.
2. Strabo also saith, lib. 15. that it was Cyrus chiefe citie, both because it was nearer vn∣to
other prouinces, which he had subdued: and for the honour of the Susians, that were most
faithfull to the Persians, and neuer fell from them.
3. It was so called of Susan, which signifieth a lilie, of the pleasantnesse of the situation:
as Ath••neaus noteth, Iun. Pol. of this Shushan, was the whole prouince called Susiane, Bullin.
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