Hexapla in Danielem: that is, A six-fold commentarie vpon the most diuine prophesie of Daniel wherein according to the method propounded in Hexapla vpon Genesis and Exodus, sixe things are obserued in euery chapter. 1. The argument and method. 2. The diuers readings. 3. The questions discussed. 4. Doctrines noted. 5. Controversies handled. 6. Morall observations applyed. Wherein many obscure visions, and diuine prophesies are opened, and difficult questions handled with great breuitie, perspicuitie, and varietie ... and the best interpreters both old and new are therein abridged. Diuided into two bookes ... By Andrevv Willet Professour of Diuinitie. The first booke.
Willet, Andrew, 1562-1621.
Page  230

Quest. 45. Of the excellencie of Christs kingdome beyond other kingdomes.

1. It excelleth all other kingdomes in the continuance and diuturnitie: the spirituall kingdome of our Blessed Sauiour hath alreadie continued 16. hundred yeares, and shall in∣dure vnto the ende of the world, and be perfited for euer to remaine in the next. Among earthly Monarchies, the kingdome of the Assyrians was of the longest time: but it reached not to a 1400. yeares: but the kingdome of Christ shall be euerlasting. 2. none of these ter∣rene kingdomes was vniuersall ouer all the world: but all nations and languages haue beene subdued to the spirituall kingdome of Christ. 3. It excelleth in force and efficacie: other kingdomes haue but power ouer the goods and bodies of men: but this kingdome of Christ worketh vpon the soule and conscience. 4. Other kingdomes doe but intend the publike peace, and maintenance of ciuill societie: this kingdome deliuereth men from the dominion of sinne and Sathan, and planteth in them true veritie and pietie. 5. Other kingdomes haue beene enlarged by force and armes: but Christs kingdome hath beene propagated by humi∣litie and patience: Our Blessed Sauiour hath founded by his glorious passion, and his faith∣full seruants the Martyrs, haue by their patient & constant sufferings propagated the church. 6. This kingdome in the excellencie of lawes and precepts farre surpasseth all other: If the Prophet Dauid spake such excellent things of the lawe of Moses, Psal. 19. 4. The lawe of the Lord is perfect conuerting the soule, the testimonie of the Lord is sure, and giueth wisedome vnto the simple: much more excellent is the Gospel of Christ: which is a perfect rule of righ∣teousnesse, which was first preached by the Lord himselfe. 7. They differ in the ende: Ter∣rene kingdomes doe but procure the outward peace and welfare of the people: but the go∣spel and kingdome of Christ doe bring the faithfull vnto euerlasting life. 8. Lastly, these kingdomes are diuerse in respect of their gouernours: These terrene dominions are ruled many times by vnwise, often by vniust, but alwaies by infirme, mortall, and weake men: But this spirituall kingdome of the Church, hath a Prince most prudent, most iust, most mighty: as the Prophet Esay describeth this Blessed Prince,* by sixe titles: which may thus be sorted out to these properties before named: two of them shewe his power; he is wonderfull and mightie, two of them his wisedome, he is a counsellour, and the Prince of peace; by his hea∣uenly wisedome procuring the euerlasting peace of his Church: and for his iustice, he is an euerlasting father, not as an hard Lord ouer his people, but gouerning them as a foster fa∣ther: And all these three, his wisedome, iustice, and power, are comprehended in that one ti∣tle, he is the mightie God.