Hexapla, that is, A six-fold commentarie vpon the most diuine Epistle of the holy apostle S. Paul to the Romanes wherein according to the authors former method, sixe things are obserued in euery chapter ... : wherein are handled the greatest points of Christian religion ... : diuided into two bookes ...
Willet, Andrew, 1562-1621.

Controversies vpon the 14. Chapter.

1. contr. Whether to abstaine from certaine meates, be an act of religion, and a part of Gods worship, or a thing in it selfe indiffe∣rent.

2. contr. That faith is not onely an assenting of the wil, but an act also of the vnderstan∣ding, and it is ioyned with knowledge.

3. contr. That it is necessarie, that festivall Page  [unnumbered] daies should be obserued among Christians.

4. contr. That festiuall daies ought not to be consecrated to the honour of Saints.

6. contr. Whether all the festivalls of Chri∣stians are alike arbitrarie to be altered, and chaunged, as shall seeme good to the Church.

7. contr. Against Purgatorie.

8. contr. Whether Christ by his obedience and suffering, merited for himselfe eternall glorie, and dominion.

9. contr. Of bowing the knee to the name of Iesus, whether it be necessarily inferred out of this place, v. 11. and Phil. 2.10.

10. contr. That Christ is prooued to be God, by this saying of the Prophet, cited v. 11. as I liue, euery knee shall bow vnto me: a∣gainst the blasphemie of Georg. Eniedinus.

11. contr. That morall works, which are done without faith are sin, howsoeuer outwardly they appeare good.