Hexapla, that is, A six-fold commentarie vpon the most diuine Epistle of the holy apostle S. Paul to the Romanes wherein according to the authors former method, sixe things are obserued in euery chapter ... : wherein are handled the greatest points of Christian religion ... : diuided into two bookes ...
Willet, Andrew, 1562-1621.

Questions vpon the 10. Chapter.

1. qu. Of the generall scope and intendment of the Apostle in this Chapter.

2. qu. How S. Paul prayeth for their salua∣tion, whom in the former Chapter he shew∣eth to be reiected of God.

3. qu. Why the Apostle doth thus insinuate himselfe, by professing his loue to the Iewes.

4. qu. How the Iewes are said to haue zeale, but not according to knowledge.

5. qu. Why the Iewes ar said to stablish their owne righteousnes, v. 3.

6. qu. How Christ is said to be the end of the lawe.

7. qu. How Christ is said to be the end of the lawe seeing the Law requireth nothing, but the iustice of workes.

8. qu. That Christ is not the end of the law, Page  [unnumbered] that we by grace in him should be iustified in keeping of the law.

9. qu. What life temporall, or spirituall, is pro∣mised to the keepers of the law, v. 5.

10. qu. Whether Paul did of purpose alledge that place of Moses, Deut. 30.12. or allude onely vnto it.

11. qu. Whether Moses in that place direct∣ly speaketh of the righteousnes of faith.

12. qu. By what occasion Moses maketh mention in that place of the Gospel, and of the meaning of the words.

13. qu. Of these words, the word is neere thee, &c.

14. qu. How Moses that preached the law, is alleadged for iustification by faith.

15. qu. How Christ is to be confessed.

16. qu. How Christ is saide to be raised by God.

17. qu. Whether to beleeue in the heart, be not sufficient vnto saluation, without con∣fession of the mouth.

18. qu. Of these words, Whosoeuer calleth vpon the name of the Lord, shall be sa∣ued, v. 13.

19. qu. Of the gradation vsed here by the Apostle, v. 14. and the occasion thereof.

20. qu. Of these words, v. 15. how beautifull are the feete, &c. whether it be rightly ci∣ted out of the Prophet.

21. qu. Of these words, v. 16. but they haue not all beleeued our report, &c.

22. qu. Of the saying of the Prophet Isai, Lord, who hath beleeued, &c. c. 53.1. ci∣ted by the Apostle, v. 16.

23. qu. Whether all faith come by hearing.

24. qu. Whether the Apostle meane the Iewes or Gentiles, Haue they not heard, v. 18.

25. qu. Whether that place of the 19. Psal. their sound went through all the earth, be rightly cited by the Apostle.

26. qu. Whether the Gospel were preached to all the world in the Apostles time.

28. qu. How God prouoked the Iewes to en∣vie by the Gentiles, v. 19.

29. qu. Of these words, Isaias is bold, &c. v. 20.

30. qu. Of these words, All the day long haue I stretched forth my hands, &c. v. 21.