Hexapla, that is, A six-fold commentarie vpon the most diuine Epistle of the holy apostle S. Paul to the Romanes wherein according to the authors former method, sixe things are obserued in euery chapter ... : wherein are handled the greatest points of Christian religion ... : diuided into two bookes ...
Willet, Andrew, 1562-1621.
Page  143
Controv. 16. That the wicked and vnbeleeuers eate not the bodie of Christ in the Sacrament.

It is the receiued opinion of the Romanists, to iustifie their grosse error of Christs carnall presence in the Sacrament, that euen the wicked are partakers of the bodie of Christ: But they may be conuinced here: for as circumcision, and so also baptisme outward in the flesh, is not profitable: so neither is the outward participation in the Eucharist; vnlesse the recei∣uer doe also spiritually eate and drinke Christ: And further our Sauiours owne words con∣fute them, Ioh. 6.54. whosoeuer eateth Christs flesh, hath eternall life: But the wicked and vnbeleeuers haue not eternall life: therefore they cannot eate Christs bodie: So Cyprian saith, qui verba tenus, &c. they which in word onely, beeing drie in heart, and withered in soule, are partakers of the gifts: lambunt quidem petram, sed inde mel non sugunt, doe in∣deede licke as it were vpon the rocke (with their tongue) but they sucke no hony out of it: serm. de coma Domini. see further of this controversie, Synops. Centur. 3. err. 28. p. 564.