Hexapla, that is, A six-fold commentarie vpon the most diuine Epistle of the holy apostle S. Paul to the Romanes wherein according to the authors former method, sixe things are obserued in euery chapter ... : wherein are handled the greatest points of Christian religion ... : diuided into two bookes ...
Willet, Andrew, 1562-1621.
Quest. 54. Whether Christs intercession and interpellation for vs, do extenuate the merit of his death.

1. Obiect. This doubt may be mooued, because that seemeth not to be of sufficient me∣rit, which needeth a further supply: now if Christs mediation for vs, be a supply vnto his death and passion, then was not that alone sufficient.

Answ. 1. The intercession of Christ is not to merit our redemption, which is purchased by his death, but to apply vnto vs, ratifie, and confirme our saluation merited by Christs death: so that the worke of our redemption is perfited by Christs death, and in respect of the worke it selfe nothing can be added: but on our part, because we are weake and doe of∣ten fall into sinne, our saluation had neede continually to be confirmed and applyed vnto vs, to which ende Christs mediation helpeth. 2. like as other meanes, as the hearing of the word, prayer, the receiuing of the Sacraments doe not argue any imperfection and insuffi∣ciencie in the worke of our redemption, but in vs that haue neede of such helpes and sup∣plyes, whereby Christs death is applyed. 3. And whereas Christs mediation is grounded vpon the merit of his death and passion, it is so farre from detracting to the merit thereof, that it rather amplyfieth and setteth forth the dignitie of it.