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Title:  Hexapla, that is, A six-fold commentarie vpon the most diuine Epistle of the holy apostle S. Paul to the Romanes wherein according to the authors former method, sixe things are obserued in euery chapter ... : wherein are handled the greatest points of Christian religion ... : diuided into two bookes ...
Author: Willet, Andrew, 1562-1621.
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better then the carnall: 1. That is best, which is in secret and in truth, then that which is o∣penly and in shewe onely: 2. and that which is wrought by the spirit, is more excellent then that which is in the letter. 3. and that hath the preheminence, whose praise is of God. 4. This distinction of spirituall and morall circumcision, S. Paul hath out of Moses, Deut. 10.16. Circumcise the foreskinne of your heart, Deut. 30.6. The Lord thy God will circumcise thine heart: which the Apostle further describeth thus, Coloss. 2.11. In whom yee are also circumcised with circumcision made without hands, by putting off the sinfull bodie of the flesh, thorough the circumcision of Christ. And as there are two kinds of circumcisi∣on, so there is also a twofold vncircumcision, as Burgens. noteth, addition 1. out of the Prophet Ieremie, c. 9.26. All the nations are vncircumcised, and all the house of Israel are vncircumcised in the heart: there is then an vncircumcision of the heart, and an other of the flesh. 5. Yet this must not be so vnderstood, as though there were two kinds of circumcisions, rather then two parts of one and the same circumcision: which are sometime ioyned toge∣ther, both the inward and outward, as they were in Abraham: sometime separate one from the other: and this separation is of two sorts: it is either salutaris, healthfull, or not: for when the inward circumcision is without the outward, it is profitable, as in Noah: but when the outward is, and not the inward, it is vnprofitable, as in Iudas Iscariot. 6. Origens obseruation seemeth here to be somewhat curious, thus distinguishing the circumcision of the flesh: that because there is some part of the flesh cut off and lost, some part remaineth still: the lost and cut off part (saith he) hath a resemblance of that flesh, whereof it is said, all flesh is grasse: the other part which remaineth is a figure of that flesh, whereof the Scripture speaketh, all flesh shall see the saluation of God: But thus Origen confoundeth the circumcision of the flesh and the spirit, making them all one: Further, to shewe these two circumcisions of the heart and spirit, he alleadgeth how the Israelites were circumcised againe by Iosuah, (who was a type of Christ that circumciseth the heart,) who were circumcised before by Moses in the desert: wherein Origen is greatly deceiued: for it is euident by the text, Iosuah, 5.5. that they which were circumcised by Iosuah, had not beene circumcised before. 4. Places of doctrine. 1. Doct. v. 1. In that thou iudgest another, thou condemnest thy selfe:He that is guilty of the same sinnes condemn: an∣other, but there∣in he also iudg∣eth himselfe. he which doth giue sentence vpon another for that wherein he is guilty, therein is a iudge against himselfe: so Iuda did iudge Thamar, for her incontinencie beeing in greater fault himselfe: and Dauid pronouncing sentence of death against him, that had taken away his poore neighbours sheepe, did by his owne mouth condemne himselfe: Piscator. see further addition 1. fol∣lowing. 2. Doct. v. 11. There is no respect of persons with God, &c.No respect of persons with God in the ele∣con of his. In that God freely with∣out respect vnto any workes, electeth some vnto eternall life, it is done without respect of persons: for though God decree vnequall things vnto those; that are in equall case: for all by nature are the children of wrath: yet it followeth not, that God hath respect of persons: for he doth it not either against any law, for God is not tied vnto any lawe: nor yet vpon any finiter cause, either for feare, for there is none greater than God, to be feared of him: or sa∣uour, for there are no merits or deserts which God respecteth in his election: And when God commeth to giue the reward, then he distributeth vnto euerie man according to their workes: see further addit. 3. following. 3. Doct. v. 16. At the day when God shall iudge:Of their sinne: of the last iudg∣ment here the certaintie of the day of iudgement is expressed, with the manner thereof. 1. who shall iudge, God. 2. whom, men and what, not their open and manifest workes onely, but their secret things. 3. by whome, in Iesus Christ, in his humane shape. 4. According to what rule, namely, the Gospell, is be saith, Ioh. 12. that his word shall iudge them, Gualter. 4. Doct. v. 21. Thou which teachest another, &c. the carnall Iewe,True doctrine not to be con∣demned for e∣uill life. though he did not himselfe, as he taught, yet was not his teaching and doctrine therefore to be refused: so our Sauiour saith, Matth. 23.3. Whatsoeuer they bid you, obserue and doe, but after their workes doe ye not, Mart. 5. Doct. v. 25. Circumcision is profitable, &c.Of the baptisme of infants. Baptisme succeedeth in the place of circumcision: as the Apostle sheweth, Coloss. 2.11. In whom ye are circumcised, &c. tho∣rough 0