The defense of the aunsvvere to the Admonition against the replie of T.C. By Iohn VVhitgift Doctor of Diuinitie. In the beginning are added these. 4. tables. 1 Of dangerous doctrines in the replie. 2 Of falsifications and vntruthes. 3 Of matters handled at large. 4 A table generall.

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The defense of the aunsvvere to the Admonition against the replie of T.C. By Iohn VVhitgift Doctor of Diuinitie. In the beginning are added these. 4. tables. 1 Of dangerous doctrines in the replie. 2 Of falsifications and vntruthes. 3 Of matters handled at large. 4 A table generall.
Whitgift, John, 1530?-1604.
Printed at London :: By Henry Binneman, for Humfrey Toye,
Anno. 1574.

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Cartwright, Thomas, 1535-1603. -- Replye to an answere made of M. Doctor Whitgifte -- Controversial literature -- Early works to 1800.
Church of England -- Apologetic works -- Early works to 1800.
Episcopacy -- Early works to 1800.
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"The defense of the aunsvvere to the Admonition against the replie of T.C. By Iohn VVhitgift Doctor of Diuinitie. In the beginning are added these. 4. tables. 1 Of dangerous doctrines in the replie. 2 Of falsifications and vntruthes. 3 Of matters handled at large. 4 A table generall." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed November 10, 2024.


Chap. 2. the. 2. Diuision.
T. C. Pag. 150. Sect. 2.

First for that they enter into an office, which perteyneth not vnto them, but to euery particular Church, and especially to the eldership and gouernours of the Church, and therfore although they should do nothing but that which were good, lawfull and godly, yet can they not approue their la∣bours vnto men, much lesse to God, putting their sickle in another mans haruest. For neyther by the truth of the word of God, doth that apperteyne vnto them, neyther by M. Doctors own iudg∣ment (if his yea were yea, and his nay nay) considering that he sayd before, that this iurisdiction be∣longeth to the ministers. And although it should perteyne vnto the Byshop (as he is called) to whome notwithstanding it doth not apperteyne, yet were it not lawfull for him to translate thys office vnto another, and to appoynt one to do it, when he listeth, no more than he can appoynt them to do his other offices of ministring, as preaching the word and ministring the sacraments.

Io. Whitgifte.

Your seuerall gouernment by eldership in euery parish, I vtterly reiect: as ney∣ther iustifiable by Gods worde, nor any example of any churche at any tyme, vn∣der a Christian prince, in that maner and forme by you prescribed.

The courte of faculties medleth not with excommunications.

The courtes of Chauncellours. &c. haue many moe matters to deale withall than excommunication, for that is but one parte of discipline, that they vse or ought to vse, only vpon an extremitie, concerning the whiche discipline and the ministers therof, I am of the selfe same same iudgement that I was before, and my yea is yea,* 1.1 and my nay is naye. And yet it I will tell you what I haue read since in M Gualters commentaries vpon the. 1. Cor. 5. If any would appoynt some kynde of separation, or shuttyng out, which should be executed by a lawfull magistrate, and should rather be ciuill* 1.2 than ecclesiasticall, we will not be against them. For the lawes of our cities also doo pu∣nish

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them with excommunication, which are very negligent in hearing sermons, and in the vse of the Lords supper, and furthermore whiche do offend the Church with their wicked life. For such if they liue in the citie, they are throwen out of the felowship of the wardes or companies so that they can buy and sell with no man: neyther are they capable of any honoure or publike office: But if they dwell in the countrey, they are kept from the vse of the commō pastnres and woods. And this way is most meete for vs, let other cities and coun∣tries do that which they thinke to be most profitable for their people: for so much as it is e∣uident, that the same forme of discipline cannot be appoynted and obserued in all places. I wish the other remoued from those Courtes, and this in the place of it. But that Byshops may lawfully vse the true ecclesiasticall excommunication, I haue pro∣ued before. Denie it you as oft as you will, you can shew no sound reason or ground of your deniall.


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