A replie to Iesuit Fishers answere to certain questions propou[n]ded by his most gratious Matie: King Iames By Francis White D: of Div· deane of Carlile, chaplaine to his Matie. Hereunto is annexed, a conference of the right: R:B: of St Dauids wth the same Iesuit*
White, Francis, 1564?-1638., Laud, William, 1573-1645., Baylie, Richard, b. 1585 or 6, attributed name., Cockson, Thomas, engraver., Fisher, John, 1569-1641.


How dreadfull then must the danger bee of liuing out of the lap of the Roman Church, that is, of a Church of infallible authoritie.

This Church hauing a most glorious succession of Bi∣shops from the Apostles, deserues aboue all other, the protection of your Maiestie, (that by a long line of re∣ligious [ C] Catholicke Ancestours, succeeding in the right of two Illustrious Kingdomes) and being so beneficiall vnto mankinde, and so efficatious to maintaine vnitie, cannot giue ouer hope of your fauour, whom singular preseruation in the wombe of your glorious Mother, a∣gainst the barbarous attempts of Hereticall diuision, that would haue brought you to an immature end, shewes to bee, by Gods infinite wisedome preordained, for some [ D] singular good of mankinde, specially by your meanes, to quench warres and dissentions, and to bestow the bles∣sings of Peace and vnion on this Land.

Your title to the Crowne of England, springs from the peacefull coniunction of the two renowned Roses, which before were mortall enemies, and fought so ma∣nie cruell fields, that if wee consider the great effusion of blood wherein each of them were bathed, wee shall [ E] hardly discerne the one from the other by the diuersitie of colour.

Your Maiesties person is the roote of a more happie Page  590 Vnion of two most glorious Kingdomes, by your Sacred [ A] Person combined in assured Peace, which in the Histories of former times, are by no other markes more famously knowne, than by their mutuall warres.

Nothing remaines to bee added for the full consum∣mation of this Ilands happinesse, and your Maiesties im∣mortall glorie, but the quenching of discord about Re∣ligion, by bringing them backe againe to the Roote and Matrice of the Catholicke Church, to the principall See, [ B] from which Sacerdocall and Sacred Vnitie springs, where∣by * your Maiestie shall extend the blessings of Peace from this Iland, to the rest of Europe, from the bodie vnto the soule, and Crowne your temporall Peace and felicitie, with eternall. For both which, not onely I, but all of my Profession, yea all Catholickes, will offer vnto Almightie God our daily Prayers.