A replie to Iesuit Fishers answere to certain questions propou[n]ded by his most gratious Matie: King Iames By Francis White D: of Div· deane of Carlile, chaplaine to his Matie. Hereunto is annexed, a conference of the right: R:B: of St Dauids wth the same Iesuit*
White, Francis, 1564?-1638., Laud, William, 1573-1645., Baylie, Richard, b. 1585 or 6, attributed name., Cockson, Thomas, engraver., Fisher, John, 1569-1641.


The Greeke Church alwayes receiued in both kinds (as your selues acknowledge) a therefore Communion in one kind was at no time an vniuersall Custome. Also Vasques b the Iesuit saith, Wee cannot denie, but that euen in the Latine Church, Communion in both kinds was vsed, and had conti∣nuance vntill the age of Thomas Aquinas. Alexander de Hales affirmeth c, There is more Merit and power of Grace in Communion in both kinds, than in one. [ C]

Lastly, you were guided with that Spirit which is mentio∣ned 3. Kings 22. v. 21. when you affirme, That venerable Bede saith, in the Church of England, euer since her first Conuersion vnder S. Gregorie, Communion vnder one kind was in vse for [ D] the Laitie. First, No such report is found in this Author: Secondly, In one of the Testimonies cited by your selfe, the contrarie is affirmed. For the two Apostles which are repor∣ted to haue spoken to a certaine young Lad, say as follow∣eth d [ E] : You must wait vntill the Masse or Communion be en∣ded; and hauing then receiued the holy Food of the Lords Bodie and Bloud, you shall be deliuered from your infirmitie by Death, and exalted to coelestiall ioyes.