An exposition of the tvvo first verses of the sixt chapter to the Hebrewes in forme of a dialogue. Wherein you have a commendation of catechising, also a declaration of the sixe fundamentall principles wherein the Christians of the Primitiue Apostolicall church were catechised. By T.W. minister of the word.

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An exposition of the tvvo first verses of the sixt chapter to the Hebrewes in forme of a dialogue. Wherein you have a commendation of catechising, also a declaration of the sixe fundamentall principles wherein the Christians of the Primitiue Apostolicall church were catechised. By T.W. minister of the word.
Wilson, Thomas, 1563-1622.
London :: Printed by Tho. Snodham, for Thomas Man, dwelling in Pater-noster Row at the signe of the Talbot,

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"An exposition of the tvvo first verses of the sixt chapter to the Hebrewes in forme of a dialogue. Wherein you have a commendation of catechising, also a declaration of the sixe fundamentall principles wherein the Christians of the Primitiue Apostolicall church were catechised. By T.W. minister of the word." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 31, 2024.


Of the generall and last Iudgement.

Qu. WHy is the doctrine of eternall Iudgement the last Article in the Catechisme?

A. Because Iudgement is the period & winding vp of al.

Qu. How is the word Iudgement vsed in the Scripture?

An. Eyther for gouerning generally,* 1.1 Ioh. 5.22. or for one speciall act of gouerning; namely, for the iudgeing of the world at the last day. Heb. 6.3. 2. Tim. 4.1. Eccles. 12.14.

Qu. How doe ye proue there shall be such a Iudgement?

A. By the temporal Iudgements of God,* 1.2 & the earthly Iudgements of men, which are shadowes and fore-runners of the other. Secondly, by the testimonie of our consciences, which tremble at secret sin, & at hearing of the iudgement day, and by reason, because otherwise God were not a 1.3 iust nor omnipotent, seeing many liue euilly, which yet escape pu∣nishment here. Thirdly, by plain texts of scriptures. Eccl. 12.14. Dan. 7. Mat. 19. Act. 17.31, Mat. Re. 20.12.

Qu. What vse may be made of this point?

An. It serueth to teach the godly patience, seeing their troubles shall determine in ioy and blisse. 2 Thes. se∣condly, it terrifieth the wicked, whose pleasure shall end in paine, Luke. 16.25. thirdly, it warnes all men to repent and turne from sinne. Act. 17.30.31.

Qu. What is the generall Iudgement?* 1.4

A. It is a solemne diuine action wherin God shal render to euery man his due according as he hath done Rom. 2.6.

Q. What is the vse of this that God shal iudge euery man?

An. It should cause vs to forbeare to iudge our neigh∣bours. Rom. 14.10.11.

Qu. May not Christians iudge at all?

An. First, not except we haue a calling: secondly, not

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rashly: Mat. 7.1.2. thirdly, not to determine of the finall estate of any man. Rom. 14.4.10.

Qu. But is not euery man iudged at the time of his death?

A. * 1.5 True, yet the generall Iudgement must be, first, to cleare the truth of the Scriptures which foretell it: secondly, to manifest the iustice of God before all men: thirdly to en∣crease the glory of the Elect and shame of the reprobate.

Qu. Which be the parts of Iudgement?

An. * 1.6 Two: first, laying open all things, thence it is cal∣led a day of reuelation. Rom. 2.5. Secondly, giuing sentence vpon all things and persons, Mat. 25. Come ye blessed, goe ye cursed?

Qu. How shall this laying open of all things be?

An. By the Bookes of mens consciences. Reu. 20.12.

Qu. What doth this warne vs of?

An. To keepe our bookes faire and cleane.

Qu. How may this be done?

An. First, if we beleeue in the death of Christ: secondly, if we wipe our bookes with the spunge of daily repentance.

Qu. Shall not secret things come to light?

An. Yes verely, euen the most secret thoughts of our hearts, and most close actions of our life shall be opened. 1. Cor. 4.5.

Qu. What doth this put vs in minde of?

An. To auoide euen secret sinnes, and to purge our hearts from euill desires.

* 1.7Qu. What is the sentence?

An. It is that whereby it shall be awarded euery man, whereto he may and must stand.

Qu. How shall it proceed?

An. According to workes, because they beare witnesse of euery man whether he haue true faith or not. Mat. 25. Rom. 2.6. Reu. 20.12.

Qu. What doth this teach vs?

An. To labour for a working faith, such a faith as wor∣keth by loue. Gal. 4.6.

* 1.8Qu. Who shall be the Iudge?

A. Christ Iesus as he is God & man▪ 〈…〉〈…〉

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Qu. What is the vse of this thing.

An. First, a comfort to the faithfull, that their Redeemer shall iudge them: Secondly, a discomfort for the wicked to haue him their Iudge in whom they haue not beleeued, yea, whom they haue pierced with their sins. Reu. 1.7.

Qu. After what manner shall the Iudge come?* 1.9

A. Gloriously and terribly, because the presence of God shall appeare. Mat. 24. and 25. Reuel. 1.7.

Qu. What vse are we to make of this?

An. First, toward our selues that we be found in peace: secondly, toward others that they may be awaked out of sinne, or kept awake.

Q. In what sense is it said that the Saints shall iudge.* 1.10 1. Cor. 6

An. As assistants to Christ & approuers of his sentence. 1. Cor. 6.1.

Qu. In what place shall the iudgement be?

An. Not in heauen,* 1.11 nor in the vally of Iehosaphat, nor vp∣on the earth.

Qu. Where then?

An. Partly in the ayre, and partly on the earth. 1. Thes. 4.16. The reprobate standing on the earth: the elect shall meet Christ in the ayre.* 1.12

Qu. When shall the iudgement be?

An. The very day and hower is knowne to God onely,* 1.13 and vnknowne to all creatures. Marke. 13.32.

Qu. What vse are we to make hereof?

An. First, it serueth to bridle our curiositie, that wee c 1.14search not into that which is hid: Secondly, it must awake vs out of the sleep of sin, and keepe vs * 1.15watchfull. Mat. 24 42. and 25.13.

Qu. By what similitude was this declared?

An. Of a Seruant, whose maister is gone to a wedding, Marke. 13. wayting for his comming: Secondly, of the good man of an house, watching when the theeues should come to breake through. Marke. 24.43.

Qu. Wherein standeth this Christian watchfulnesse?

A. In liuing euery day as one would liue vpon the iudge∣ment day: doing or leauing vndone those things euery

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day, which one would doe or not doe at the last day.

Qu. Is there difference herein betweene the godly and the wicked?

An. Very great, the wicked liue securely, hauing their mindes drowned wholy in the pleasures of this life, because they put this day far from them. Luk. Mat. 24 45. The godly minde their dutie chiefly, because they look euery houre that Christ shall come to iudge them. 2. Cor. 5.10. 2 Tim. 4.1.* 1.16

Qu. What signes shall goe betweene the first and second com∣ming of Christ?* 1.17

An. First, bloody warres for the Gospell. Mat. 24. Se∣condly, the preaching of the Gospell to all the world. Mat. 24.13. Thirdly, a general corruption of manners. Mat. 24.9 Fourthly, an vniuersall defection or falling from the faith of the Gospel. Luk. 18.8. Fiftly, the reuealing of Antichrist, the head of that defection. 2 Thes. 2.3. Sixtly, The calling of the Iewes vnto Christ: Rom. 11. Of which signes all are fulfilled saue the last, which may quickly & speedily be done.

* 1.18Qu. What things shall goe together with the iudgement?

An. Three things: first, the destruction of the world by fire. 2 Pet. 3. Secondly, the glorious appearing of Christ. Mat. 24.30. Thirdly, the separation of the sheepe from the goats. Mat. 25.32.

* 1.19Qu. What shall follow the iudgement?

An. Eternall blisse or eternall miserie. Heb. 6.3. hence it is called eternall iudgement.

Qu. What should this worke?

An. Speedy and earnest repentance in the wicked Mat. 3.8.12. Secondly, constancy in the godly, and contempt of transitorie things. Heb. 11.5. 1 Cor. 15.24.


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