Of the generall and last Iudgement.
Qu. WHy is the doctrine of eternall Iudgement the last Article in the Catechisme?
A. Because Iudgement is the period & winding vp of al.
Qu. How is the word Iudgement vsed in the Scripture?
An. Eyther for gouerning generally,* 1.1 Ioh. 5.22. or for one speciall act of gouerning; namely, for the iudgeing of the world at the last day. Heb. 6.3. 2. Tim. 4.1. Eccles. 12.14.
Qu. How doe ye proue there shall be such a Iudgement?
A. By the temporal Iudgements of God,* 1.2 & the earthly Iudgements of men, which are shadowes and fore-runners of the other. Secondly, by the testimonie of our consciences, which tremble at secret sin, & at hearing of the iudgement day, and by reason, because otherwise God were not a 1.3 iust nor omnipotent, seeing many liue euilly, which yet escape pu∣nishment here. Thirdly, by plain texts of scriptures. Eccl. 12.14. Dan. 7. Mat. 19. Act. 17.31, Mat. Re. 20.12.
Qu. What vse may be made of this point?
An. It serueth to teach the godly patience, seeing their troubles shall determine in ioy and blisse. 2 Thes. se∣condly, it terrifieth the wicked, whose pleasure shall end in paine, Luke. 16.25. thirdly, it warnes all men to repent and turne from sinne. Act. 17.30.31.
Qu. What is the generall Iudgement?* 1.4
A. It is a solemne diuine action wherin God shal render to euery man his due according as he hath done Rom. 2.6.
Q. What is the vse of this that God shal iudge euery man?
An. It should cause vs to forbeare to iudge our neigh∣bours. Rom. 14.10.11.
Qu. May not Christians iudge at all?
An. First, not except we haue a calling: secondly, not