The xiii. bukes of Eneados of the famose poete Virgill translatet out of Latyne verses into Scottish metir, bi the Reuerend Father in God, Mayster Gawin Douglas Bishop of Dunkel [and] unkil to the Erle of Angus. Euery buke hauing hys perticular prologe.
Virgil., Douglas, Gawin, 1474?-1522., Vegio, Maffeo, 1406 or 7-1458.
Page  clxxxxvi
How Eneas with kyng Euander met
And bandis of kyndnes / has betuix thame knet.
THe fyry son, be this ascendit eum
The myddil warld, and regioun of the heuin
That is to know, be than it was myd day
Quhen that on fer, the ciete wallis se thay
With twris, and the hous hedis on raw
Skatterit dispers, and bot ane few to knaw
Quhilk now the mychty power of rome town
Has vnto heuin, mad equale of renowne
The King Euander, of noblis not mychty
Held for that tyme, bot sobir senʒeory
In haist thidder, thare steuinnis can do stere
Eneas sort, and to the toun drew nere
This king Euander, borne was of Archade
Percase the self day, ane grete honour maid
Solempnit feist, and ful hie sacrifice
Vnto the grete Hercules, on thare gyse
That foster son was, vnto amphitrion
And to the vthir goddis, euery one
Before the ciete, in ane hallowit fchaw
Pallas his son, was thidder also draw
Togidder with the principallis, of ʒounkeris
The sobir senatouris, and pure officiaris
All samyn kest ensence, and with ane stew
Besyde the altare, blude shed, and skalit new
Beand lew warme, thare fulfast did reik
Bot ʒit als swyth, as thay persauit eik
The grete bargis slidand, thus on raw
And throw the derne woddis, fast thidder draw
So stilly bendand, vp thare airis ilk wicht
Thay wourth affrayit, of that suddane sycht
And euery man, thay left the burdis in hye
On fute gan sterting, from the maniorie
Page  [unnumbered] Quhen hardy pallas, did forebyd and defend
Thare sacrifice to brek, quhil it war end
He hynt ane wappin, with ane few menʒe
Thaym to recounter anone, furth haldis he
And ʒit wele fer, from ane hil or ane know
To thaym he callis, standʒing men how
Quhat caus has mouit ʒou,* apoun sic way
Thir strang wentis vnknawin, to assay
Quhidder etil ʒe, or quhat kinrent ʒe be
Schaw quhens ʒe come, or quhilk is ʒour countre
Quhidder ʒe do bring, vnto oure boundis here
Boidworde of peace,* or cummys in fere of were
Eneas tho, the fader of wourschip
Maid ansuere, fra the pulpit of the schip
And in his hand, straucht furth that he mycht se
In takin of pece, ane branche of Oliue tre
My freynd quod he, thou seis pepil of troy
To Latyne folkis, enemyis, man and boy
Quhilk flemyt of our realme newly agane
Thay ilk Latynis has socht, wyth proude bergane
Vnto the king Euander, al seik we
Him to require, of succours and supple
Bare him this message, and declare him plane
That chosin men, discend from king Dardane
Bene hidder cummyn, beseking his freyndschip
To knyt vp band, in armes, and fallouschip
Pallas astonist, of sa hie ane name
As Dardanus, abasit worth, for schame
Cum furth (quod he) quhat euer thou be berne bald
And say before my fader, quhat thou wald
And enter in our lugeing, the to rest
Quhare thou sal be ressauit, welcum gest
And furth anone, he hynt hym by the hand
Ane wele lang quhile, his rycht arme embrasand
Page  clxxxxvii Syne furth togidder, rakit thay on raw
The flude thay leif, and enteris on the schaw
Eneas tho, with freyndly commonyng
Spake curteslye, thus sayand to the kyng
O thou maist curtes,* prince, and best in nede
That euer was byget, of grekis sede
Quham to fortonn wald I, suld cummin here
The lawlie to besekin, and requere
And wald also I suld furth reik to the
Wippit with bendis, the branche of oliue tre
In takin that, of thy supple I nede
Forsoith I caucht, no maner fere nor drede
Thocht thou ane capitane, of the grekis be
Yborne also, of Archade the cuntre
Of blude conionit, to the Athrides tway
I meane agamenone, and menelay
Bot myne aum vertew, and haly, or akillis
Of the goddis, be diuyne myrakillis
And our forbearis, al of ane kinrede
Thy fame diuulgate, into euery stede
Has me fermly, adioynit vnto the
The fatis eik, tharto inducis me
That wilfully, I obey thare commaund
Schir dardanus, the king first in our land
That belt the cietie of troy, and Ilion
Our cheif fader, as grekis grantis ilk one
Borne of Alectra, Atlas douchter ʒing
Caryit by schip, come first to troyis ring
And this alectra, grete atlas begat
That on his schuldir beris, the heuynnis plat
Marcury is fader, to ʒour clan alsua
Quham the schene mayden, the fare fresche maye
Apoun the frosy hillis top, al bare
Quhilk Cillenus hate, in archada bare
Page  [unnumbered] And this Ilk maya, soithlie gif that we
Ony credence, to it we here or se
May gif, Atlas begat the famyn atlas
That rollis, the heuynlie sterrit cumpas
So baith our kinrentis, schortlie to conclude
Diuidit ar furth, of ane stok and blude
Quhare for hauand confidence, in thir thingis
Now thir by ambassiat message, nor writingis
Nor vthir craft, thy frendschip, first socht I
Bot my self in persoun, come in by
That vnto the, submittit has my hede
And the to pray, socht lawlie to this stede
For the ilk pepil, vnder dawnus king
That the rutulianis, has in gouerning
Quhilk ledis were, aganis thy cuntre
With cruel batel, now persewis me
And gif thay micht, expel vs of this land
Thay wene tharby, that not may thaym gane stand
Bot that thay sal, vnder thare senʒeory
Subdew all hale, in thirldome Italy
And occupy thay boundis orientale
Quhare as the ouir se, flowis alhale
And eik thay westir partis, traistis me
Quhilkis are bedyit, with the nethir se
Ressaue, and knit vp faith, and ferme cunnand
Tak our promit, and gif vs faith, and band
Strang bodyis til abide bargane haue we
With haidy myndis, in battel or melle
Exercit in wexe, and expert in sic nedis
In lusty ʒouth liklie, to do our dedis
Thus said Eneas,* and Euander than
Fra tyme that he, first for to speik began
His ene, his mouth, and al his body richt
Gan to behald, espying wyth his sycht
Page  clxxxxviii Syne schortly made,* his ansuere, thus agane
O thou, glaidly, the maist forcy troyane
I do ressaue, as tendir freynd and fere
Full blyithly now, I knaw and wele may here
The voce, the wordis, and the speche, but leis
Of thy fader, the gretest Anchises
And ful perfitly, now I draw to mynd
The vissage, of that wourthy knycht, maist kynd
Ful wele I do remember, lang tyme gone
How pryame son, of kyng Leamedone
To wesy his systeris land, Hesyona
Socht to the ciete, hecht salamonya
And at the samyn rais, his vayage made
Throw the cald frosty boundis, of Archade
My grene ʒouth, that tyme and pylis ʒing
Fyrst cled my chyn, or berd, begouth to spryng
I ioyit to se, tha troyane dukis Ilkone
And on the son, of kyng Leamedone
That is to say, this ilk ʒoung Pryamus
For to behald, was maruell gloryus
Bot thy fader Anchises, quhare he went
Was hier fer, than al the remanent
My mind brynt of ʒouthede, throw desyre
To speik and commun, with that lordly syre
To be acquentit, and ione hand in tyl hand
Couenand to knyt, and bynd forwart our band
To him I went, desirus of freinschip
And sped that samin, so in fallowschip
Within the wallis, of phenes I him led
And he did depart, or thens him sped
Ane curtly qwauir, and ful curiously wrocht
Wyth Arrowis made, in Lecia wantit nocht
Ane garment he me gaif, or knychtly wede
Prynnyt and wouyn, ful of fyne gold threde
Page  [unnumbered] Twa goldin bridillis eik, as he did pas
Quhilk now my son occupyis ʒoung, pallas
Quharfor our allyance faith and, rycht hand
As ʒe desire or ellis adionit in, hand
We bene of auld confederatis, perfay
Quharfor to morne als sone, as the brycht day
Begynnis all lycht the landis, and the skye
With succoure, and with supple blithly I
Sal ʒone fra hyne one, to ʒour army send
And with my gudis, and my moblis amend
And in the mene time, sen my freyndis dere
Vnto our sacrifyce, ʒe be cummin here
Quhilk ʒerely vsyng, we as anniuersere
That bene vnlefull, to defer or tary
Tharfore with vs, do alhallow our hie feist
And with glaid sembland, blythly mayst and leist
Accustome ʒou from thens, and now instant
Our tablys, as ʒour freyndly burdis hant
Quhen thys was said, mesis and cowpis ilkane
Quhilk war away tak, bad he bring agane
And he him self, the troyane men fute hate
On sonkis of gersy scheraldis, has doun set
Thare principale capitane, syne Enee
Besyde him self, on deis resauis he
The benk ybeildit, of the grene holyne
Wyth lokkerit lyoun skyn, ouer spred was syne
Than ʒoung men walit, besy here and thare
And eik preistis, of Hercules altare
The rostit bullis flesche, set by and by
The bakin brede of baskettis, temys in hye
And wynis birlis, in to grete plente
Eneas samyn, with his troyane menʒe
Dyd of perpetuall Oxin, fillatis eit
And purgit entrellis, clepit clengeng mete