Here fynyssheth the boke yf [sic] Eneydos, compyled by Vyrgyle, which hathe be translated oute of latyne in to frenshe, and oute of frenshe reduced in to Englysshe by me wyll[ia]m Caxton, the xxij. daye of Iuyn. the yere of our lorde. M.iiij.Clxxxx. The fythe yere of the regne of kynge Henry the seuenth
Virgil. Aeneis., Boccaccio, Giovanni, 1313-1375. De casibus virorum illustrium., Caxton, William, ca. 1422-1491.

¶How Bolcus slewe eryalus. & how Vysus his felawe slewe Bolcus / Of the deth of the sayd Vysus / & how ye he¦des of the sayd two felawes eryalus & vysus were brought vpon two speres afore the fortres of Eneas Cap. xlvj

THenne beganne bolcus the conestable to be alle force¦ned wyth grete rage for to knowe fro whom these strokes cam / & in a grete anger sayd to eryalus who euer hath doon ye same ye peynes therof shall abyde vpō ye / & with y swerde all naked in his fust cam nygh hym / & wold slee hym. & whan vysus sawe this. he coude no lenger suffre it by cause yt he wolde not see hys felawe to be slayn / but he began to crye. late hym be in peas / & take me & putte me to dethe. For he hath forfayte nothyng. While that vysus spa¦ke thise wordes / bolcus smote eryalus wyth his swerde tho∣rugh the body of hym & wythoute moo wordes kylled hym And whan vysus sawe the same. he ranne ayenste theym alle. and adressed hym towarde bolcus wyth his swerde in his fuste. and so nyghe he approched hym / that whan he dyd ascrye vpon his men that they sholde take hym / vysus smote hym wyth his goode swerde thrugh the mouthe that he ma¦de hit to come oute at the necke of hym / soo that he slewe hym and fylle doun ded afore hym and all his folke / His knyghtes that sawe hym thus slayne ranne alle vpon vy∣sus oute of alle sides / soo that they gaaffe to hym his deth Page  [unnumbered] wounde / and neuertheles he defended hym selfe vygoryous∣ly as longe that he myghte stande. But his enmyes char¦ged hym soo often wyth grete strokes of their swerdes wel sharpe cuttynge / that he spred hym selfe vpon his felawe E¦ryalus / and soo fynysshed there his lyff / Thenne toke the y∣talyens their armures. and that they bare / and the body of theyr lorde Bolcus / amd departe wyth grete heuynesse and wente to the lodges of Turnus ooste: And whan they cam / they sawe there theym that made grete sorowe & grete cryes for theym that were slayn wythin the tentes / Whan thenne the daye was come / Turnus cōmaunded that alle the ooste sholde be armed / And that euery prynce sholde orde∣yne his folke for to assaylle the castell / And they dyd soo by grete wrathe / And thenne turnus made the hedes of ery¦alus and Vysus to be smytten of from theyr bodyes / and sette vpon two speres. and broughte theym afore the castell wyth a grete noyse & grete callynge / for to fere and abasshe the troians therwyth. that were wythin wyth Ascanyus the sone of eneas. Whan they of the castell sawe theym they were full sory & sore tryste / and anone they ordeyned theyr folke & putte theym in araye for to defende the place. And thenne they of the ooste blew vp their trompettes for to gyue a sharpe sawte / And taried not. but dyde hie theim for to fylle the dyches / and for to dresse vp the ladders ayen¦ste the walles / And they that were there vpon the walles brake theyr sheldes and theyr pauesses / And the hardy kny∣ghtes troians that had lerned for to defende / casted vpon theym grete logges wyth sharpe yron atte the ende and gret stones. They that cam firste to assawte the place myght not suffre no lenger the strengthe of the troians that were vpō the walles of theyr fortresse. For they brake theyr sheldys & Page  [unnumbered] helmes and theire līmes & all to burst theyre bodyes / whan Mesancus sawe this he made fyre to be cast to theym / and Mesapus made the diches to be filled vp & the ladders to be sette vpward ayenst the walles /