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Title:  The arraignment of slander periury blasphemy, and other malicious sinnes shewing sundry examples of Gods iudgements against the ofenders. As well by the testimony of the Scriptures, and of the fathers of the primatiue church as likewise out of the reportes of Sir Edward Dier, Sir Edward Cooke, and other famous lawiers of this kingdome. Published by Sir William Vaughan knight.
Author: Vaughan, William, 1577-1641.
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tune, that the Diuell durst not abide that sweete tempe∣red sound.Ouer all the abouesaid wicked spirits, the spirit of De∣traction awaiteth. Doth the Lord send his terrible thun∣der, 4 his glorious lightnings, as warlike alarums to rouze vs vp from our sleepy sinnes? Behold the spirit of Detra∣ction at hand, and attributes those strange signes to the Prince of this world, his Lord and Master the Diuell God (quoth he) is the Author of goodnesse, quiet, and neuer intrmedles with thunder-claps, stormes, or tempests.Non illi imperium pelagi scptrum{que} tridentis,Sed mihi sort: datum—Virg. l. 1. Aencid.That great command with triple forked mace,By lot to me, and not to him be ell.As Neptune spake of himselfe to Aeolus, Such Here∣ticall paradoxes as these he inspires mens braines withall, and rammes them, as with a strong beetle, into their shal∣low hearts. Liues a man in loue and charity with his neighbour? Againe, the same spirit of Detraction appeares, sowes idle tales of dilgrace, whereby they may goe to∣gether by the eares, and empty their virulen: galles with most violent reuenge, the one against the other. Art thou cholecke? Beware of Saules spirit of lunacie? Art thou merrily disposed at games and sports? Thou shalt be sure of Sathans spiritual sting, and be throughly possessed both with the spirites of blasphemy and Detraction, al∣though thou perceiuest them not visibly with mortall eyes. To be briefe, he will neuer be spiritually wanting to any man. To a man in prosperity he sends his spirit of pride, to a sinner despaire, to married soikes the spirit of iea∣lousie, to children the spirit of disobedience, to Courtiers the gliuing pompes or vanity, to Preachers the spirit of false prophesie, to the subiect the spirit of rebellion, to friends the spirit of inconstancy, to seruants the spirit of in∣gratitude, so that there be few men in the world, but their wils are possessed with some spirit or other. I passe ouer 0