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Title:  The true remedie against famine and warres Fiue sermons vpon the firste chapter of the prophesie of Ioel, wherein the councell that the holy Ghoste gaue the Israelites to redresse the famine which they felt and preuent the warres that were threatened to come vpon them; is applied in particular vnto our present time: Preached in the time of the dearth. 1586. By Iohn Vdall, preacher of the worde of God at Kingston vpon Thames.
Author: Udall, John, 1560?-1592.
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God, whose people they alwayes professed themselues to be, so dooth hee deale with vs (as wee maye see by our owne experience) sometimes he afflicteth vs wyth sickenesse, and if that doe vs no good, hee sendeth outward trouble by vn∣quiet neighboures, if that preuaile not, hee bringeth vs into pouertie, after that into troubles, in respect of our wiues, children, families, or kinsefolkes: all which hee dooth to driue vs from deligh∣ting in any thing of this life, that might drawe vs vnto sinne, and to put our whole affiaunce in him alone:This doc∣trine com∣mend vnto vs:1. Gods care of our good.2. How ex∣cuse is takē from vs, and that by the testimonie of our owne conscience. the which, as it dooth on the one side commende vnto vs the great desire that the Lorde sheweth himselfe to haue of our good, in that hee tieth so many conclusions to profit vs, so on the other side it sheweth vnto vs, howe al coulor of excuse is taken from man, that when he doth any way amisse, and is puni∣shed for it, he shal be able to lay the blame in nothing in the worlde but himselfe one∣lie, yea, hee shall by his owne knowledge aggrauate vnto himselfe his owne damna∣tion: for hee shall truely saye of hymselfe: Hath not GOD from time to time tolde mee of my faultes, by the ministerie of 0